The NOC*NFS = Dutch Olympic Committee (DOC)has strongly advised that Dutch Olympic athletes should leave their phones/iPads etc at home during the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. VPNs are unavailable in Beijing and the DOC has a strong idea about being spied on when using the only available internet connection. They're advised to bring an 'empty' phone and a cyber security firm will give individual (online) classes to athletes how to bring a clean-ish phone into China. Clean-ish as in: contacts y/n., pics y/n etc.

It's not the first time that the DOC warns for 'interesting effects'. There was a real warning for consuming food during the 2012 and 2016 Olympics in Beijing and Rio: local food (meat) contains too much growth hormone and it could show up during the doping tests. Some teams landed in Beijing 2012 a few weeks before the Olympics. That's when they found out about the hormones. As a result, the Dutch sailing crew and TeamNL Cycling landed in Rio months before the event for tests and training and they brought their own food and some switched to vegan food.