Quote Originally Posted by noTAGlove View Post
Please don’t take this the wrong way, but when a serving military person you have been trained to completely serve the requirements of the U.K. armed forces without questioning the rights or wrongs.

I am sympathetic to a UK response to hostile invasions, but British have not covered themselves in glory over a long historical period of colonisation and more recently during the Iraq invasion and war.

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Are you for real? Do you think we are automatons? The military is awash with very bright people (personally I have a Bachelors and two Masters degrees) who certainly are not brainwashed to 'serve the requirements of the UK without questioning the rights or wrongs.' Many officers resigned (that's not what it's called in the military) as a consequence of the Iraq War. Libya was another foreign policy disaster. I personally didn't agree with the Iraq War (having served in the entirely justifiable Gulf War I) and it cost me my career, hence I made a major change that a very few on here are aware of. I left the military in 2017, close to my retirement age, as a reasonably senior officer because I became disillusioned with the UK government's view, and support, of the military. It afforded me a great life but for me it was time to move on.