A while back I sold,well, pretty much everything I own, or so iteemed at the time… motorbike, a bike lift, stationary engine, bicycles, spares, a vintage lawnmower and much more besides.

The garage was looking empty, so I popped some floor mats down - the interlocking foam type.

The plan was to replace the motorbike with a old car, ready for tinkering over the winter.

But can I find one? Well, actually, yes I can. I can find loads. Maybe the question should be more along the lines of can I find one in decent condition for a decent price?

I’m looking at MGB GT and Roadster, Spitfire, Vitebsk, Morris Traveller, Alpine, that sort of thing. I’d like to say that the quality is variable, but it’s been shocking, regardless of the price.

I’m looking at a cost of between 9 and 12.5k, and for this, I seem to be looking mostly at cars of the same quality as cars which are for sale at 5k.

I’ve been to look at half a dozen or so, mostly they get weeded out on a telephone call, but the ones I’ve looked at have been really poor. For instance, a couple of weeks ago, I spoke to a lovely chap in the West Midlands. He assured me that the bodywork on his GT was perfect other than a small amount of bubbling on one rear wheel arch. I’m avoiding bodywork if I can, because I’m can’t do it. I’m ok with a spanner, but paint scares me.

After an Early morning Sunday start, we arrived at the guys house and even before I got out of th4 car, it was obvious that the MG was terrible. Every wheel arch was short, all four wings needed replacing as did the tailgate. The engine, gearbox and diff were leaking like the Exxon Valdez and the engine, when I started it, sounded like a can of gravel being shaken by a small child.

The worst part, though, was the doors. I opened each one and couldn’t close them - both sills, castle rails and diaphragms were rotten. The car was scrap. All of this for just £9500. Did I want to take it for a test drive? Nope, I value my life more than that.

A spitfire in parts for £9k, a GT which was almost £14k, but in terrible condition, with a rotten roof - price was firm, because it was only a one owner car. I did mention that it wouldn’t be a one owner car if I bought it, but the price was firm.

I’m off later today to view a 1967 GT which looks nice in the pics, and the guy described as almost mint. I’m not hopeful, but wish me luck…