Over the years there’s been some great series on television - Dexter or Gomorrah for example but I rarely ever watch an entire show twice even if it’s really good. No idea why, maybe because I know what happens? I’ve watched the entire series of Game of Thrones and the U.S. Office twice - one because they were both brilliant but two because of a couple of quite bad illnesses that left me bed bound for a number of weeks/months at the time.

Last week however my wife was asking when Discovery of Witches was on again as she loved the first series and there’s nothing much to watch right now. I talked her into watching The Witcher on Netflix, which I’d seen a few months back and she’s watched half an episode and given up.

I said that due to different time zones In the show it takes at least 2 episodes to understand it but it’s as good as GOT. We’ve bing watched all 8 in the last week and I’ve enjoyed it far more second time around.

If you haven’t seen it and you like GOT, you’ll like this!