Funny you say that because the hulk is the only watch I’ve bought twice. Both times I’ve wanted it a lot and both times of ownership it just hasn’t lived up to what I wanted, not that in hindsight I knew what that was supposed to be.

It’s a hard one because the hulk is a very good quality watch in today’s market for the 7 to 8k watch market, just like the black sub. When it got to the 10 to 12k price in my mind I’d rather put my money in something else. Now it’s probably in the 12 to 15k (for sellers) even more. As for paying 18 to 20k and comparing what that buys, it’s like wow!! Okay it’s discontinued but there’s still a lot out there, plus the previous generation Kermit, plus obviously the newer model coming out, so it’s not like it’s ultra rare. I then think about the VC overseas I bought and if you compare them there’s no comparison in value for money.

Quote Originally Posted by kultschar View Post
Sold mine for 5kish ages ago. Lusted for the damn thing for ages but then when I finally got my mitts on it I never wore it much and had a love / hate relationship with it.

Its prob the only Rolex I have considered repurchasing so was sad this week to see it discontinued.....however just now seeing real wrist shots of the new black face version has surprised me a little. It looks quite stunning and more wearable (I thought it looked dull on the Rolex mockups)