Guys I’m looking for some advice on hats, due to COVID and the barbers all being closed A few weeks back I bit the bullet and shaved my head. Now I was thinning anyway but it seemed the longer my hair got the thinner it looked on top so off it’s gone, skin smooth now and how it’ll stay.
Couple of things I’ve noticed since being officially bald -
it doesn’t half get sun burnt Yes I didn’t even give it a thought and spent a few days looking like a matchstick
When it’s raining water streams into you eyes likewise when sweating.

So with these things in mind I’ve never really worn hats and aside from a baseball cap I’ve dug out (freebie from somewhere) I’ve got no clue what’s best to look for, ideally I need something for hot weather and another for wet weather like today. I’ve obviously googled and seen a few but without trying things on it’s hard to tell from pictures. Any hat wearers or fellow baldies chime in on their favourites for the seasons ?