I just think that as far as CV and it's effect on western economies is concerned, that the market is still living on false hope, they still "want to" believe - I feel sure that there will be a second hit that may be worse than the first.

Some companies may do well but generally I don't see much good news on the horizon and it becomes clearer every day that Governments are not in control of events............ but how can they be ........I am sure that they are doing their best but the implications of this pandemic are huge and it could be with us for some years to come............the economic cost is now so great that you can only guess the numbers.

I have no idea what the solution will be as far as investing your savings is concerned .............it's anyones guess.........

as a person approaching my mid 70's, who has been 'locked down" for weeks, I find it extremely depressing, not particularly for me, I enjoy gardening, but for the UK's active working population who must be unsure about the future and their careers.