So, a ‘friend’ of mine bought a watch from SC (for RRP) when it first came out at the end of 2018 (as far as I am aware they’re still not the easiest to get hold of).

After three weeks it went back for what turned out to be a common fault. It took the manufacturer four months to finally replace the entire movement under warranty and the watch was returned to my ‘friend’ in April 2019.

Fast forward to February this year and the same fault rears it’s ugly head again. A mere 10 months since the new movement was fitted and, according to the manufacturer they had solved the issue. The watch went back and, after a week, a phone call from the manufacturer offering a brand new watch in a like to like swap.

My ‘friend’s’ question is this: would you be happy with this? If not what would you do?

A refund isn’t an option as the watch was a SC purchase by another forum member.

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