That's it now.... the natwest mastercard is in the shredder.

Had a natwest m/c for forty years now! I spent 30K on it last year; worrying when you add it up but I put ALL purchases through the card and EVERY month pay it off in full.

Went to do an online purchase last week (okay it was a biggy, 9K). The site went through to this new thing where they send (text or voice) you an access code - this is coming to ALL credit cards soon. I wasn't located at any of the numbers listed on the screen so I have to phone them up. I then get hit with lots of security questions from someone with poor English; questions like my credit limit and any transaction amount I've done in the last two days. I fail to answer so I suggest, if they wait, I can login into the online account for the info. So I try that and it's by an app only now! So that's it... card is now blocked and the only way to clear it is go into a branch with 2 forms of id. Tried to reason with them but they put down the phone. Phoned them back and got another person also with poor English. Now they won't speak to me at all.

In contrast I phoned my account person at Handelsbanken. No stupid questions just a hi and how are things.... I say I'm going to do a large online transaction. 'That's fine go ahead and I'll make sure there are no issues'.

I had a similar issue with the natwest current account 5 years ago.... never overdrawn, multiple mortgages with them and never missed a payment. Never been over drawn. I'd been with them since I was 18 and went to uni. I needed to speak to them, tbh I can't remember what it was about. The only way was to telephone someone that couldn't speak english. After 30 mins including a ton of security things I put down the phone frustrated with the issue not resolved. Popped into Handlesbanken on the way home from work. They organised the account 'switch' thing and it's been like a breath of fresh air. People you can email and speak to without any hassle or issues.