Not for sale unfortunately! I was in there yesterday and another shopper was an old guy probably in his mid 60s, I noticed the old Sub on his wrist and then turned around to see another od guy in his 60s pointing at something to his wife and spotted the coronet on the clasp...trying to then see the watch but without being too intrusive I moved off to the far end of the shop and turned to see what seemed a small dial, explorer maybe I, as he walked out I saw it better, another old sub. I don't know vintage subs well but it tickled me to see these two. My guess, Swanage a seaside town...perhaps both old gents were fishermen or some other outdoor job back in their 20s and bought tough and waterproof watches. 40+ years later both looked to have been worn daily but still running well, and I guess now worth 10 to 20 times what they cost new. I nearly said, 'Nice watches gents' and showed them my Pelagos, but then I thought these guys just wear them, they don't obsess over them. I enjoyed seeing them though.