We’ve got 3 cats. All come and go as they please and have the run of the house.
1 cat is 15 years old and is totally chilled. The 2 others are 7 years old and one, is a psychpathic hunter of any wildlife. We live rurally and there are plenty of mice and shrews that get brought in dead or alive (shrews are a nightmare to catch) and we’ve bought humane mouse traps to catch and release them.

This last week, she has brought in a white baby rat....then 2 larger rats (all dead) but then a very large rat (body about 10cm) alive....in the hallway......the stupid cat wouldn’t go near it and luckily, I closed all the doors, open the front door and chased it out.....

Tonight, another baby white rat......

There must be a rats nest somewhere.....the bins are wheelie bins, an old compost heap but not being used now, other than that nothing that might attract rats (I guess other than shelter). Neighbours gardens back on to back garden and there are sheds, compost bins etc (at the end of their gardens).

So....any suggestions on how to find the source of the problem (where the rats are coming from) and /or how to stop the bloody cat catching them and/or bringing them in......clearly don’t want to put poison down as potential for secondary poisoning for all local cats.....