I've rowed on and off for several years, running was always my preferred flavour so I devoted most of my time and energy into pounding the tarmac. A few years ago I picked up an IT band injury, through overuse and kind of lost my way with fitness/drive.

My brother had always been a keen rower and would invite me over to his where we would partake in intervals sessions etc. Until recently, I took the plunge and bought my own new Concept 2. After a month, I've got the bug! I'm currently working on joining the sub 7 club, for 2k. Knocking the door to 40, fitness isn't coming as easily as it once did. My first attempt, I made a 7:19 so I'm not awfully far away. I know that knocking that 19secs off is going to be harder than it first seems.

Any TZ'er keen rowers on here? I'd like to hear your stories.