I think you need to check in with your GP and gets some real advice on how to cope with this. He / she might ask you to undertake a course of therapy or CBT ( Cognetive Behaviour Therapy ) which enables you to thrash out your issues verbally. For some this works, for others it does not. Medication alone may work fine, your GP will asses you to see which one will suit you better.

It's good to talk about the issue's that your having , but it also helps to talk to strangers just as well imo.

Mental Health issue's are so complex and form in differant ways. Don't think your weak by asking for help, your not as you have taken a big step by putting it out on this sub forum, which shows that you have strenght and proffesionalism and sharing your problem.

Showing your emotion is normal in MH,but go and seek help before it gets any worse, and don't let it beat you, it will ONLY if you let it. Think of your family and freinds who are there to support you through this.

Good luck.
