The answer is Maas van Beek, cancer survivor, on beetroot juice....

The stories of the world of ´stayeren´ are beyond imagination and the Dutch are the main cyclists keeping it alive.

In the first decades of the 20th century it was the cycling sport with by far and then some the most spectators and the prize money was higher than today even. It was also rather risky; 60 deaths in 4 decades.
Today it has become safer, the public almost absent and the prize is the honour.

One of THE oddest characters in the sport is Maas van Beek, the holder of the world hour record with 66.119 km/h.

Last Februari he trained for >68 km/h, again in Moscow, with 80 x 12:
The attempt was to take place in March.
He failed.
Well not he, he never had a crack because of red tape.

Here his record run on 21-05-2010
