There's a fair chance people may have already heard about this but the corporate idiots at Photobucket have WITHOUT WARNING, suddenly changed their policy & usage.
They are now asking $40 a month to use their services.
Big deal i hear the crowd saying, use an alternative service. Well it is a big deal as it means that all photobucket photos loaded onto this forum over the years are no longer viewable unless the user that originally uploaded the photo pays Photobuckets monthly ransom.
This means that we will be seeing a lot more photos on this forum archive that look like this

A damn shame in my eyes as there is no way all contributors from our glorious past are going to stand for the extortion tactics of evil Photobucket.
I have to admit it really cheeses me off as my entire history of contribution to this fine forum will be lost to corporate greed.
I will not swallow that level of ignorance or lack of consideration for a customer. I will be taking my photos elsewhere & i hope the masses do the same thing. Screw Photobucket i hope they lose every customer they ever had & go bankrupt !!

Steaming angry - Darren