18 months ago I was selling my 116610LV and had it listed on ebay with my telephone number in the listing. I received a phone call off a bloke who wanted to buy it, agreed a deal and gave him my bank details. he paid the agreed amount but on checking my bank account the funds were not cleared funds. I told him he wasn't getting the watch until the funds were clear and I never heard from him again. Sure enough a week later the funds disappeared and I contacted the bank to find that he had deposited a stolen cheque into my account. The cheque was from a cash and carry business that had gone skint about 3 years prior to this happening. I just left it and did no more.
roll on 18 months and I've now got my 116610LN on ebay, again with my phone number in the listing. I received a phone call today from a bloke, the same bloke, wanting to buy it. We agreed the price and I gave him my bank details. Exactly the same thing has happened, he has paid the money into my account, but it is uncleared funds. He has just text me asking for the address for his lad to come and collect, now there are a few choices :

1) Tell him to go away, but in a few more words
2) give him a dodgy address and waste his time
3) give him an address and then be waiting nearby in my car, take a picture of him / his car reg and give it to the police. After all if this slime ball is still doing this 18 months later how many people has he maybe had off ?

What do you think.

Oh, just had another text, I asked him for his name and address so I could make out a receipt. He told me yesterday he was from York but the address he has just given me is in Blackpool.