
Around this time last year I asked here for some advice/recommendations about learning guitar - which ones to look at etc. Ended up with a Yamaha Pacifica which I'm really happy with and is much more capable than I am (currently or will ever be!). As part of the deal, I got a practice amp thrown in - Peavey Backstage II. The amp has been fine to get me going but I really would like something else now. Maybe this is just GAS - could well be actually.

I remembered that I had bought an iRigHD last year and never really used it so plugged that into the Mac and opened up GarageBand to mess around. Quite good to be able to switch between amps, cabs etc. but to be honest its a lot of faff and cables and really I decided to learn guitar to get away from computers which we use all day at work. So things like iRigHD are ok as an option to mess road with weird/niche sounds but can't be the main thing, for me anyway.

Other than the iRig, in the last year I have bought a plectrum (60p) and a change of strings so think I've managed to keep a lid on just getting new stuff.

So that brings us onto the question - what would be a good/decent amp for me to move onto now? Couple of things that come to mind:

- Its for home use - I won't be gigging and I don't practice with a drummer
- Having said that, the ability to play loud every now and then!
- I like all kinds of music but my aim is to play things like blues; rock; etc. but nothing in the mental metal category. Actually, make that wider and overall my aim is to try most genres.
- Budget - couple of hundred quid, give or take
- Happy to buy used if the unit doesn't have any known issues
- I'd like ability to have a variety of sounds and maybe some limited effects but it has to be simple - I don't want anything that requires an app to use it!
- Switches and knobs that actually do something
- Not massively heavy
- Headphones in and Aux in
- Not bothered about being able to plug into an external cabinet

Basically, something that I can grow into over the next few years, but also simple enough to get going with right now.

From looking and reading around, here are a few that have made their way into my thoughts:

- Yamaha THR10 - the original one
- Boss Katana 50
- Vox Valvetronix 40 (there seems to be loads of models)

There are undoubtedly others out there. If I get a chance I'll get to a shop that has a decent choice, but my playing ability isn't really enough for me to test these things properly - they'll all sound rubbish - so really looking for some real-world experience and opinions.

Can't think of anything else right now!

I know there are some decent guitarists out there who have been around the block when it comes to equipment so hope someone out there can help.