I hear many nice things about Orient Watches and how they are value for money especially for new watch enthusiasts like myself. But there is something that somehow puts me off buying an Orient Mako.

I have pondered for while and have realised that what actually holds me back from going for an Orient, especially their dive watches, are their logo and their cluttered dial.

Their current logo/trademark of two lions holding up a crest, doesn't make sense. They are a Japanese company, but the logo is trying to be European. Can't they be proud of their Japanese identity and heritage?

The dial uses too many typefaces:
1) The Orient brand name
2) the cursive typefaces of "Water resist" and "Automatic" which all look seemingly archaic and dated
3) the Typeface for the depth limit

All these different typefaces clashes with each other and adds mess to the dial that is already cluttered by having the day/date displayed. In my opinion, these chaos on the dial, makes the watch look less premium (I know that it is not) and gives it a bit of bargain-bin feel to the watch.

I am not sure if actual owners feel the same. Whenever I see a photo of the Mako and imagine myself owning it. I probably thing to myself, You would have to look at the dial everyday noticing the chaos of the logo and the fonts sub-consiously thinking "Oh I have an Orient Watch, why can't I afford something more fancy", Instead of "Hey my watch is an Orient and although it is not a fancy Rolex or Omega, it looks premium and I am proud to wear this" (When proposed changes have been made in this case).

I know my so called complaints about Orient Watches may seem shallow but these simple changes can really make a big difference to the look and feel of their watches, most especially the Ray and Mako. It will make the consumer feel they are getting more out of their purchase.

I would like to suggest to Orient to make some changes to improve their branding and imaging focusing on more modern asthetics, Japanese heritage and practicality.

My suggestions that they need to change on their watch dials:

1. Use the typeface of the Orient brand all through out the dial.
2. Change their confusing logo to something makes them show that their proud of their Japanese heritage. Like a using a Japanese Lion icon instead of the medieval style crest. They are Japanese and not European afterall.
3. Probably they should consider changing their Brand to "ORIENT WATCHES COMPANY 1950"
4. They should proudly state the model name like: "MAKO MARK III"
5. They should also proudly state the movement they are using as it is in-house. It should appear on the dial "CALIBER F6922"
6. Instead of showing "Water resist 200m". They should just say "200 METERS"
7. Lastly, they should (proudly) state that the watch is MADE IN JAPAN in the same manner Swiss Made watches are indicated.

I hope you are listening Orient. Please consider my comments. Thanks!