I split up with my GF of 3 years, two weeks ago (her decision). I've text her a couple of times and her replies are rather blunt. I met her last weekend for a chat, and we spoke for three hours in the pub, she seems to be happy with her decision (although she had tears in her eyes). She told me she hasn't been happy in a while, and wants to stop pretending, and have time for herself etc. Annoyingly, she told me she loved me the week before and we were making plans for Christmas / New Year etc. I'm almost certain there's no other guy involved as, the mood she was in last weekend, she'd have happily told me. Plus, with hindsight, I can see she’s been feeling like this for a little while.

Just thought I'd see if anyone had any good ideas, experience is invaluable! Currently weighing my options; which I've accepted are rather limited. It's likely walking away is my best option but, sadly, she means the world to me... More than my watch collection even D:

P.S Strange thread, I know, but needs must..