My uPVC windows are about 4 or 5 years old, installed by a now retired house builder and are causing me grief. The master bedroom and dining room set are wobbly in and have cracked the sealing all around. The dining room one is so bad we have slugs coming in for warmth.

On the same window, the actual window doesn't close in the frame and leaves a big gap at the top. Pushing it as I lock the window doesn't help, it just springs back. I'm worried that it looks like someone tried to force their way in, but there are no marks anywhere so I doubt it.

Also, most of the handles are loose around the house.

I think the bedroom and dining room windows need to be taken out and put back in properly and the others serviced. I called a couple of local double glazing companies, but they were only interested in selling me new ones not helping me solve my current issues.

Are there reputable double glazing repairers out there? I'm in Essex and happy to pay for a top job.