I thought that it would be fun to track down a Sub 6538 'Bond' homage.

I looked at some threads on various forums about Tiger Concept watches that indicated that they were pretty good for the money so thought that I would give it a go. Looking at the TC website I was slightly disappointed that there wasnt a Bond - Goldfinger type Sub homage listed - however, I then discovered that the TC owner is happy to build to order using any dial and hands in his range. I also read some really good feedback on WUS regarding his service so thought that I would give his 6538 'big crown' a go. At around £70 delivered I ordered 2 - one with a 369 dial the other more in keeping with the Bond theme. This is with the DG2813 auto hacking movement - they are available with an ETA movement for an extra £40 or so but having read good reports on the former I thought that I would stick with this, see which one I liked the most and then sell the other one.

When they arrived I was impressed with the quality at this price level. OK the bezels turn a bit too freely but everything else feels ok - smooth crown, good finish and so far, good timekeeping. I decided to keep the one nearer to the Bond film version and sell the other - which went pretty quickly on SC a little earlier this evening.

OK, its hardly a Steinhart but it is closer to the classic Sub's 39mm case size and looks pretty good to me.
