Never been a gamer, could never see the point of sitting alone in front of a game when you could be down the pub having a beer and pulling a bird.

We have a Wii and for Christmas bought my eldest the Lego Harry Potter 5-7 game. We've just spent almost an hour roaming around a park totally unable to see what you have to do to progress. Thus confirming my long held view that gaming is utterly pointless.

So I went online to find the solution, which I found, then the game couldn't do it as the character couldn't jump high enough to get on the wall to get the blocks you need to proceed.

So why would anyone want to buy a game that you have to ask people on the internet how to do? Where's the enjoyment in that? What's the point of that?

I found on Youtube a 1 hour video that shows you how to do the whole game. What's the point of that? Why not just watch that and save your money on buying the game?

Bless her she lasted longer than I would have before I ripped it from the machine and threw it firmly in the bin. I hate being ripped off and I have been!!!!

As I've always thought, gaming is an utter waste of time, energy, frustration and blood pressure.

Going to have a beer to calm down now.


PS - if anyone can help her with it she'd appreciate it.