Quote Originally Posted by jordan-arch View Post
I don't get why you wouldn't want to stick one on your kids head when they are learning to ride a bike,
There is a large grassy slope opposite my house, that's why. Having said that helmets didn't exist when I was their (learning) age and I know nobody who suffered a head injury. But, if I lived in a surburban estate without access to a nearby grassy slope, yes, I'd take advantage of the small protection they offer knowing that the child would likely often fall off. The inherent/acceptable risk then changes.

The below was is one of several, "I haven't read the thread but I can't resist chipping in about something I know less than nothing about" posts. Seat belts and motorcycle helmets, the difference? Easy to prove a nett benefit, not much of a safety debate to be had, a liberty one maybe and I read recently that the USA had repealed the compulsory motorbike helmet law in some states.

Quote Originally Posted by jordan-arch View Post

I don't get why you wouldn't put up with wearing one while your with said kid, I also don't really see much point in not wearing one anyway but then I honestly don't give a shit if anyone doesn't wear one, but I also think that if your going to be riding on the roads you should be made to wear one and you should be made to stick to the laws of the road but that's another point.

The same people who bitch and moan about having to wear one are probably the same types of people who bitched about being made to wear seat belts, do it or don't do it its up to you BUT if you come off and end up a vegetable its on you.

I don't ride, I don't see the point I have a car, but in the last few months I know of about 3 accidents (off road) one wasn't wearing a helmet and he got his head all scraped up, wouldn't have happened with the helmet he admits that and when he came off again a few weeks later he was happy to have it, 3rd one guy was in a bad way helmet probably didn't hurt the situation but he was out for a while and a broke a bone or two but don't know him well enough to tell you how it happened.