I have toyed with the idea for months now, and after selling a lot of watches and paying off half my mortgage, I have decided to do it again.

So... I'll be selling up to cover at least 50% of the remaining mortgage and taking it from there. If I get really carried away, I may even keep going and clear the whole lot once and for all.

I'm in the lucky position of having a few multiples of my favourite watches, so I may be able to achieve a 50% reduction without too much pain. I have been convinced by quite a number of threads that it is a worthwhile endeavour and that I'll feel the benefit. I'm sure it will be cathartic if nothing else.

A big thank you to all the members who have been through and posted all about reducing their collections, or even those that have sold many to go for one or two more expensive watches - it has all been helpful in coming to a decision.

Now the hard work begins - looking at what will be going and what will be staying. I doubt I'll be asking the forum for their opinions, as there are some watches that will be going regardless and I'll still have a 16600/14060 heavy collection by the time I finish in any case.

For the first time in considering this course of action I am actually looking forward to - whereas in the past, I was always far too concious of there being some mystic downside to selling up.

Fingers crossed - wish me luck in my quest to be mortgage free, and have less watches to worry about servicing and insurance :)

I'm Free!