Sorry guys as I'm sure this has been done to death, I'm not looking for salvation or even a shoulder to cry on but I can't get my head round it!.

I decided when the sub LV came out I had to have one having never owned a Rolex, when I finally got my hands on one I was seriously underwhelmed, I know many will say I'm a fool but to my mind the bracelet was no better than that on my Steinhart and certainly no better than my SMP or PO bracelet, I wanted to love it but with it being 40mm and a very dark bezel it just looked small on my 8 inch wrist, I'm sure in some way this is due to my SMP being my smallest watch and most others being 44mm or larger?. I fully appreciate that this big watch thing is probably just a fad but honestly when you are 21 stone and have big arms 40mm does look a bit small.
Imagine my delight when the new range came out, I fell in love with the white dialled explorer 2 and knew I had found "my rolex" .. until I tried one on yesterday!!!. Just not bowled over by it and yet all the press photos and images from owners here had be practically salivating at the prospect of getting one, but alas I find myself back where I started, I don't consider myself a luddite and have a fair few watches costing thousands, I can afford the watch so that's not an issue (although I do think the RRP is crazy these days on them), I've even been offered a very generous interest free option if I prefer, but on the wrist and to my eye I can't justify 5.6k on something that does not blow me away as it is stupid money for a watch if we are honest with ourselves.
I tried on the black dial version too as I was not loving the very glossy black edges to the hands and markers, yet in the photos it was these details that drew me to the white face (plus the fact I don't have a white dial in my collection) in the first place!. Same deal with the black dial, I even checked myself in their shop mirror and it looked fine in the reflection and not at all small!.
So am I mental, tight, not appreciating of the brand and it's quality or just so used to seeing a big watch on my wrist that I have lost my sense of perspective?, whatever it is I can't but my finger on it but maybe I'm just not a rolex kinda guy?!!