I appologise for thread duplication here, but I think that there are many members who dont read the Heros/Villains Section (I know I dont usually!)

This is my latest and last experience of "service!?" from Chealwatch. It isnt a one off as years ago I had a problem too, that time though, I just accepted it. This time Im not!!

So My story below:

He put an almighty scratch to the back of a Glycine I sent him some years ago. I shouldnt have sent him another, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt that it was a one off. This time he has excelled himself with bad workmanship and even worse customer service!!

1. Sent a watch to him as the rotor had come adrift. The watch was in very fine condition with no marks that I could see anywhere, and most of you know how fussy I am. It came back with the rotor attached, but I saw the tell-tale "Butcher of Rye" stratches and dents on the back from his lack of caseback opening skills. My fault for trusting him with another watch I thought.

Then I noticed that there was a large sticky mark on the dial (around 3mm long!!) I immediately emailed him about the mark on the dial. He stated that it was not there when he sent it out to me so it must have appeared in the post...!!??. The fact that is was a sticky residue meant that was a false statement. It must have been picked up in his workshop and he cant have looked at it before he sent it out.

2. I sent it back to him so that he could remove the mark. He didnt accept that it was his fault but told me to send it back for him to look at.

3. It arrived back with most of the mark removed but not all, it still show a sticky residue. However, it now also has fluff and fibre under the crystal. And the back has, you guessed it, more scratches...

4. I contacted him about these new faults and he didnt reply to my emai, or a chase up email. I emailed him today (16 days after the first email) and hit a brick wall with him. He says that the faults did not occur in his workshop anbd denies all responsibility. I offered to bring the watch to him (at HIS convenience) so that he could remedy the dial and fibres while I waited. He said they dont do a while you wait service. I pointed out that I was asking for a bit of "customer service" and that it could be at his convenience and would end the matter (remember that Id accepted the scratches to the caseback as part of his usual service.)

Upshot is that he is not interested in putting his damage right, and that is the end of it. This guy need an attitude transplant and should not be alowwed near watches or people IMO>

Looks like I will take him thru the small claims court for the costs of rectifying his bad workmanship, and to pay my court costs too.

My Advice: Dont trust him with your watches. I dont think he is bothered by loss of business either, hes probably near retirement and certainly comes across as a "Basil Fawlty" but without the humour.

If anyone would like to get in touch with me to bolster my case (I notice that there is LOTS of negativity on forums regarding Mr Cheal) then please do so.

Twice bitten...