How times have changed in our educational institutions. My eldest son is currently two weeks into a three week tour of Singapore and New Zealand, playing drums in his state school big band (they are fantastic) and taking a couple of parts in two drama productions. He is taking part in an international music and drama school for a week near Auckland and various other amazing events. At 17, this opportunity could be, I suspect, truly life changing.

When I was at school (late 1970s to mid 1980s), the best school trip I had was visit the Iron Bridge in Shropshire. We sketched it (badly)and stayed a night in a youth hostel. One of our closest friends got to visit a stuffed bear factory!

So, what was you're best school trip?

(btw, this isn't sour grapes on my part! As someone who works in the education sector, I realise that the opportunities we give our young people today in many state schools are first class and should be celebrated, not constantly criticised. State school education has, whatever the media says, improved dramatically over recent years imho).