Whilst in Nottingham recently, I visited the Castle which is home to the Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters (29th/45th Foot) Regimental Museum. One of the display cases holds items which relate to the WWI flying ace, Albert Ball, who was a Sherwood Forester prior to joining the Royal Flying Corps. On display is his watch, which I thought may be of interest.

Sorry for the poor quality picture, but it was taken taken through glass at an angle.

I was interested in the watch, not only because its historical connections, but also because of the separate shield. Can anybody identify the make of the watch?

I thought it would be appropriate to post this on Remembrance Day.

More infomation on Albert Ball can be found on http://www.chapter-one.com/vc/award.asp?vc=47. The museum website is http://www.wfrmuseum.org.uk/, although it does not mention Albert Ball.
