I picked up my new BMW 3 series on Xmas eve and was increadibly excited about it thougout the Xmas period. However I have since gone back to work and I must say that the IDrive intergration with the Iphone 3GS seems to be nothing short of a nightmare.

Of course when I was in the showroom I was led to believe that it was simple to access my emails and text messages held on the phone via the IDrive controller. In fact the salesmen even managed to show me it working with my phone! But since I have had my car I have been totally unable to access any emails or SMS messages on the IDRIVE.

Has anyone else had similar problems and is there a solution?

BMW are simply saying that the problem is with Apple and that they are unwilling/unable to help. I seem to be hitting a brick wall.

It wont put me off the car but I do feel somewhat mislead and disapointed, :cry: