I've got two cats, a brother and sister that are now 17 years old.

The boy is deaf as a post and his back end is pretty knackered after getting into an argument with a car so he walks like he's permanently drunk and howls his head off when he's hungry of just bored and regularly pukes where the fancy takes him (last time was on my laptop :evil: ).

The girl is a lot more spritely but has taken to performing her toilet actions wherever she want's if she deems the litter is not clean enough, she prefers to situate it where you are gauranteed to stand in it. Recently I have been greeted with explosive diarrhoea to cap things off so she's been to the vets and is a bit better and I'm a lot poorer :( .

Now I can cope with all this, BUT, I was lovingly hand feeding the little scrotes tonight to help fatten them up, when I dropped a bit of corned beef. I went to pick it up at the same time as the girl did and she managed to bite right through my finger in two positions.

Some choice words were uttered at the top of my voice as the pair of them scattered and the dog headed for under the stairs. It's amazing how much a bite can make you bleed, it went everywhere, not helped by my man habit of grabbing any cut and squeezing the death out of it

So now I'm sitting typing with one hand and resting my throbbing, completely disinfected finger and I'm sure she has a smile on her face sitting on the window looking at me all innocent like :evil: :evil: :evil: