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Thread: Anyone had any Christmas disasters?

  1. #1

    Anyone had any Christmas disasters?

    Hope everyone's christmas went better than ours, I wish I was back at work.

    The house was a full on gloomfest yesterday, the missus was in floods of tears at one point.

    About midday she was preparing the dinner, momentarily turned her back on the dog and he jumped up and stole the whole bloody gammon and devoured it within 20 seconds! Greedy little ****!
    I was upstairs but obviously it was my fault.

    Later on in the afternoon whilst the hound and I were still in the doghouse he decided he wanted to play with one of his presents, a large tug toy which he then used to knock my iPad off the arm of the sofa onto the floor shattering the screen!

    At least it cheered the wife up a little bit.

    A dog is not just for Christmas... He's testing that little saying.

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  2. #2
    Master Papa Hotel's Avatar
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    I fell asleep and missed Top Gun.

  3. #3
    Journeyman Longwool's Avatar
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    Tractor on the straw chopper had a flat battery and wouldn’t start. Always something on Christmas Day that doesn’t go to plan and delays the work routine.

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  4. #4
    Craftsman Doug86's Avatar
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    Was out doing a good deed and slipped on ice, the landing resulted in cutting my hand open. So, picking bits of gravel out with tweezers was a fun start ha ha

  5. #5
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    Dropped the sodding pigs in blankets on the floor, I'd slaved over'em...exact same moment as our surrogate Granny guest arrived so I couldn't even have a proper swear. Had to drown my sorrows instead

  6. #6
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    First christmas with our two baby boys. All was going pretty well until christmas lunch time and their planned nap so we could eat. Of course they didn't want to nap and screamed the damn house down then were completely shattered and miserable all afternoon. And kept me awake all night. So yeah. Merry f*cking christmas.

  7. #7
    Craftsman mitch1956's Avatar
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    nope all went well but the above tails helped cheer me up on a damp, misrable boxing day morn , thank you LOL
    Last edited by mitch1956; 26th December 2020 at 12:06.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by chicaneuk View Post
    First christmas with our two baby boys. All was going pretty well until christmas lunch time and their planned nap so we could eat. Of course they didn't want to nap and screamed the damn house down then were completely shattered and miserable all afternoon. And kept me awake all night. So yeah. Merry f*cking christmas.
    Blimey..: don’t worry in about 25 years they’ll have moved out!

  9. #9
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    Went on my traditional run on the Christmas eve morning (some years also cycling) before the Christmas really starts here and tore my calf muscle in a big way. Limped back home and have been limping since - I don't think it's anything serious, but might take a week or two before back to normal.

  10. #10
    Dogs are good at that, they wait until they know your out of position and then strike like a Cobra.

    The Doberman i used to have would do it with great stealth, deliberately being quiet and careful not to raise alarm.

  11. #11
    Grand Master snowman's Avatar
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    Well, my mum refused to come as she'd been threatening to do for days - Excuse in the end was an 'upset stomach', but she just winds herself up into a stressed state which causes it 99% of the time! The press and government are probably working more elderly people into an early grave than COVID is with their non-stop diet of gloom, meaningless numbers and scare stories.

    Once we'd sorted out that she wasn't actually coming, about 11AM (with a 3 hour round trip to get her required if I had gone) we had a lovely day - Kids were here, we went for a pre-lunch walk in the cold, but clear and bright day, with my daughter's Corgi puppy and then had a lovely Christmas lunch (my wife does make a nice roast dinner) with a nice bottle of Chablis.

    Then we had a relaxing afternoon until the future son in law (should have been current, but the wedding was killed in June) arrived and then a pleasant evening eating, drinking and chatting.

    Neither the oven or the dishwasher broke down this year (as they've chosen Christmas day to do so in the past!), so all was good here!

    Today we're into Tier 4 misery, but at least we can look back on Christmas day as a relative success!

    Breitling Cosmonaute 809 - What's not to like?

  12. #12
    I was halfway through cooking dinner when I heard a cry from the living room and when I went through, my mother in law was on the floor alternating between crying and screaming. An hour later the paramedics were stretchering her into the back of an ambulance, by 9:30pm we’d got a diagnosis of a broken hip.

    Happy Christmas!

  13. #13
    We have five grown up kids and ten grand children plus a 94 year old mother in law and the majority come to ours (tradition) for Christmas dinner or for the evening buffet, so all work with preparation for each meal and then all the cleaning in between plus me being the taxi driver on and off all day so under normal times pretty hectic and the day goes by in a blur and my wife stresses for two weeks before and on the day.

    Due to covid non of the above happened this year, so I could have a drink and enjoy our meals with no stress, gutted they couldent all descend on us

  14. #14
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    Burst radiator pipe in the living room- leak disguised until 11pm on Christmas Eve by the dog’s basket. Mrs moved it and revealed a puddle and some shagged Kardean in the living room and kitchen where the water had found a way to get through the little gaps between the bits of flooring. The underlay stuff is knackered. It would end up being a big job as the entire downstairs is in the same flooring. Fortunately it was only 3 nuts that needed tightening to stop the leak and that it was noticed before we went to bed- the presents would certainly have taken a bath.
    A pain but minor inconvenience compared to what could have happened and what others are enduring.

  15. #15
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    It was all going swimmingly until my wife left some grub a bit too near the edge of the worktop and Dot helped herself to some croissants and turkey.

    I was up at 06.10 this morning with a mop and bucket to clear up the diarrhoea on the kitchen floor. Like hot chocolate it was.


  16. #16
    These stories do go quite a way to making me feel better.

    I meant to add at the end of mine that later on I only discovered that the shattered iPad screen had left dozens of tiny cuts on my hands when I used hand sanitizer!!!
    If anyone in or close to West Sussex heard a high pitched blood curdling scream in the evening then I do apologise.

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  17. #17
    Craftsman Doug86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigvic View Post
    I only discovered that the shattered iPad screen had left dozens of tiny cuts on my hands when I used hand sanitizer!!!
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    Oh man, I bet that was an experience

  18. #18
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    Just the four of us yesterday which gave us freedom we’ve never had. We were woken up at 5.30 to open presents which was fine. Then had pancakes followed by a walk for us and bike ride for the boys.

    It got to 12.00 and we hadn’t even started lunch, so we just eat fajitas left over from the day before. Then out for another walk in the sun, this time with a Rugby ball.

    We only had a chicken for tea, so that was easy. Then settled in and watched an hour of Jumanji 2.

    My parents were 20 mins away and hers were in Italy. One of the nicest Christmas’s yet!

    I feel for OP though, we’ve had plenty as bad as yours in the past! Her Mum likes to photograph and film every second of the present opening which is annoying!

  19. #19
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    After an xmas afternoon and evening socialising with neighbour's I managed to wake up this morning and find all my clothes on the bathroom floor. Along with one of the shower doors. New enclosure is now needed, luckily I have an en suite.

  20. #20
    I put the dogs out for their late night pee Xmas eve and sometimes I have to tempt the oldest one in with a treat...she’s just got wise to it.
    Opened the container of treats which slipped through my hands at the same time pushing them on their way and deposited the whole container over the dressed dinner table that the missus had just spent the last hour preparing. I was not the flavour of the month

  21. #21
    Burnt my hand badly on a mince pie that I had nuked in the microwave which then collapsed spewing red hot mincemeat onto my hand.
    Serves me right for buying them in sainsburys and not buying the SC waitrose ones..

  22. #22
    Craftsman boris9's Avatar
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    Set fire to a tea towel scaring our little boy, but other than that all good.

    Some terrible stories in this thread!

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  23. #23
    Master Alansmithee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rodder View Post
    Just the four of us yesterday which gave us freedom we’ve never had.
    You have discovered why I never have guests nor accept invitations off anyone for Christmas Day.

  24. #24
    Craftsman RS404's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobc View Post
    After an xmas afternoon and evening socialising with neighbour's I managed to wake up this morning and find all my clothes on the bathroom floor. Along with one of the shower doors. New enclosure is now needed, luckily I have an en suite.
    Sounds like you had a really good night!

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  25. #25
    Master Kirk280's Avatar
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    I fell asleep on the couch after dinner! I was ‘tired’.

  26. #26
    Master PipPip's Avatar
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    Quite stress free at ours. The only argument was when my wife caught my 13 year old daughter drinking a glass of champagne in the kitchen. Cheeky madam, but whatever, it’s Christmas. I think she only did it for Instagram likes from her mates.

  27. #27
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    My 8 year old daughter got up at 0545. I purchased a new watch online whilst locked in the toilet at 0845. Minor barny over Christmas dinner (11.30) prep along with a bottle of red. Rest of day was pretty good. Even better ... my gloating look at what we’ve got boomer in-laws couldn’t come down due to Covid :)
    It’s been nice not having any visitors apart from a Santa:)
    Back to work Monday. I am thankful to have had a reasonably uneventful day.

    Cheers to all x

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  28. #28
    Grand Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigvic View Post
    These stories do go quite a way to making me feel better.

    I meant to add at the end of mine that later on I only discovered that the shattered iPad screen had left dozens of tiny cuts on my hands when I used hand sanitizer!!!
    If anyone in or close to West Sussex heard a high pitched blood curdling scream in the evening then I do apologise.

    Sent from my Pixel 4a (5G) using TZ-UK mobile app
    I fell at the start of the first lockdown & cut my hands up, I recall the pain of the sanitiser!

    Ours was very relaxed, just the 2 of us - only thing that went wrong was following a usual recipe for rissoles but forgetting there was only 2 of us. 24 rissoles and 30 pigs in blankets, safe to say we will be eating them for many days more!

  29. #29
    Master SeanST150's Avatar
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    Yep, 2 "events" here.

    Christmas Eve, received the dog's allergy test results. He's allergic to just about everything! Beef, duck, pork, lamb, salmon... So the arduous task has begun on what to feed him.

    The boiler started to leak water on Christmas afternoon! Emergency cover in place, great, but first slot is 12th Jan!

    Other than that, I had a banging BBQ steak for dinner. So not all bad.

  30. #30
    Grand Master Andyg's Avatar
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    Nothing to drastic. The MiL arrived on Sunday and it still here.

    We lost our phone line Christmas Eve, which will not be fixed until the 30th at the earliest. Not the end of day for most, but mobile reception at Chez AndyG is pretty crappy so I was only able to speak to the family “intermittently”.

    On the upside my wife bought me a loverly Belstaff jacket for Christmas.

    Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be asked not to hit it at all.
    Friedrich Nietzsche

  31. #31
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    It seems we got off lightly this year. Apart from the Christmas tree being six inches too short (which almost resulted in the cancelling of Christmas) there were no hickups. Plus Tier 4 prevent the SIL from coming over.

  32. #32
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    I have to say that this is undoubtedly the worst Christmas I have ever had. My wife (Sue) had a stroke in early December and was due to be released on Christmas Eve meaning that we could spend Christmas day together. The hospital put the release date back to Boxing Day with no warning so both Sue and I spent Christmas apart except for a one hour visit with me covered in PPE. My Christmas dinner was a sandwich.

    We have now been informed that a patient in Sues ward tested positive for covid so we are now under isolation and keeping our fingers crossed that we haven't got it.

    Roll on 2021.

  33. #33
    Grand Master Mr Curta's Avatar
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    Bloody hell Mick that's terrible. Watch out for symptoms and stay safe. Bet you can't wait to get back to Spain.
    Don't just do something, sit there. - TNH

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Mick P View Post
    I have to say that this is undoubtedly the worst Christmas I have ever had. My wife (Sue) had a stroke in early December and was due to be released on Christmas Eve meaning that we could spend Christmas day together. The hospital put the release date back to Boxing Day with no warning so both Sue and I spent Christmas apart except for a one hour visit with me covered in PPE. My Christmas dinner was a sandwich.

    We have now been informed that a patient in Sues ward tested positive for covid so we are now under isolation and keeping our fingers crossed that we haven't got it.

    Roll on 2021.
    Fingers crossed for you Mick, that you and the wife are clear.
    Saying that, an elderly relative (88) caught it in hospital and we thought she’d be a gonner, she got over it and now can’t even remember it - alzheimer's!

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Neil.C View Post
    It was all going swimmingly until my wife left some grub a bit too near the edge of the worktop and Dot helped herself to some croissants and turkey.

    I was up at 06.10 this morning with a mop and bucket to clear up the diarrhoea on the kitchen floor. Like hot chocolate it was.

    That’s the problem when you have grandparents over for Christmas.

  36. #36
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrisparker View Post
    That’s the problem when you have grandparents over for Christmas.

  37. #37
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    My disaster was moving out and becoming single again. Oh the joys when she doesn’t want anything to do with you and you still love her to bits. At least the shops are open to buy things. Broadband arrives tomorrow, wouldn’t have thought I could use 81.2 gb of mobile data in 2 weeks. So a delightful time, roll on 2021 when I can get back to work and put some purpose back into life.

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  38. #38
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    Begrudgingly agreed to attend my estranged wife’s Christmas party at her workplace , meant I had to fly overnight so was already jet lagged when I arrived ( tip make fists with your toes ).

    The event was very oppulent in the company’s swanky high rise premises but when I went to freshen up the place was immediately invaded and held ransom by some eurotrash terrorists ; turned out they were actually just common bank robbers though.

    Anyhoo after all that I lost my shoes but it all came out in the wash barring a yuppie and the missus boss getting croaked along with the terrorists themselves and some cops.

    Got along very well with one of the cops so at least I made a new friend .

    I still doubt me and the missus will ever patch things up though . At the end of the day I would have been better off staying in.

    Yippee Kayee and a Happy New Year .

  39. #39
    ^^^^^^shave off!
    That’s a day to remember, where was that?

  40. #40
    Grand Master JasonM's Avatar
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    ^ Nakatomi Plaza

  41. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.D View Post
    Begrudgingly agreed to attend my estranged wife’s Christmas party at her workplace , meant I had to fly overnight so was already jet lagged when I arrived ( tip make fists with your toes ).

    The event was very oppulent in the company’s swanky high rise premises but when I went to freshen up the place was immediately invaded and held ransom by some eurotrash terrorists ; turned out they were actually just common bank robbers though.

    Anyhoo after all that I lost my shoes but it all came out in the wash barring a yuppie and the missus boss getting croaked along with the terrorists themselves and some cops.

    Got along very well with one of the cops so at least I made a new friend .

    I still doubt me and the missus will ever patch things up though . At the end of the day I would have been better off staying in.

    Yippee Kayee and a Happy New Year .

  42. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonM View Post
    ^ Nakatomi Plaza
    Yep that's the place , well over-rated . Some of the lifts and air conditioning ducts are down right dangerous if you ask me.

  43. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by aa388 View Post
    My disaster was moving out and becoming single again. Oh the joys when she doesn’t want anything to do with you and you still love her to bits. At least the shops are open to buy things. Broadband arrives tomorrow, wouldn’t have thought I could use 81.2 gb of mobile data in 2 weeks. So a delightful time, roll on 2021 when I can get back to work and put some purpose back into life.

    Sent from my iPhone using TZ-UK mobile app
    Blimey... chin up; hope you’re ok. Sorry this happened, and at Christmas.

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