Thanks to 'Rista' on the Russian Watches forum (WUS) who posted some really useful links I now know that this is a 724 dial. The black variant is a 723.
The watch model is a Meranom supplied SE 420724
Any Vostok modders on here know the model number / code for this dial?
Last edited by Velorum; 5th February 2025 at 14:44.
Interesting that what I thought would be a straightforward ID is anything but!
In addition to posting this here I have also asked on the Russian watches forum on WUS and a number of Vostok FB groups - and have drawn a blank on all of them.
A number of people have said that they believe this to be an SE model produced for only a short while by Meranom around 2016. The closest anyone has to a model number is SE420555 - the last 3 digits being the dial identification. However the 555 dial has 12,3,6 & 9 numerals so its a different one.
I have emailed Meranom to see of they can tell me. Despite being a long standing customer Ive never emailed them before so dont know how responsive they are to such requests.