There's a thread in the Bear Pit discussing this case:
Hi, just watching this live, some interesting things being brought up.
There's a thread in the Bear Pit discussing this case:
Pray tell, what interesting things?
"Bite my shiny metal ass."
- Bender Bending Rodríguez
Bear pit,no thank you its a bad place.
She is clearly innocent,as that expert Doctor said no crime has been committed (by her).
The Police failing again (putting it mildly) along with the medical Doctors/staff/managment not up to the job (nor admiting failures to cover themselves).
CPS expert not a expert and twisting evidence.
They are the ones who should be prosecuted,even a layman like myself can understand what happened it was so well presented.
Plus whistle blowers should be applauded not hounded.
I hate what this country has become,I trust no one.
It'll probably be quicker and easier if you have a listen for yourself:
Good to see an insightful considered post once again.
Utterly clueless and another Police bashing post not to mention the Medical Profession and CPS.
It’s getting a bit boring now.
QUOTE=bwest76;6505007]Bear pit,no thank you it’s a bad place.
She is clearly innocent,as that expert Doctor said no crime has been committed (by her).
The Police failing again (putting it mildly) along with the medical Doctors/staff/managment not up to the job (nor admiting failures to cover themselves).
CPS expert not a expert and twisting evidence.
They are the ones who should be prosecuted,even a layman like myself can understand what happened it was so well presented.
Plus whistle blowers should be applauded not hounded.
I hate what this country has become,I trust no one.
Definitely the Police’s fault or maybe James, won’t be his fault!
Clearly some people have not read nor listened to the evidence.
- - - Updated - - -
If I did it was a mistake.
Edit you are correct thats because 2 threads on the same subject are running.
I deleted my comment here it is.
"If you watch the briefing all the medical reasons are quite clear,including doctors not knowing what they where doing and using the wrong procedures.
It is not subjective its medical fact".
Last edited by bwest76; 4th February 2025 at 16:34.
Started out with nothing. Still have most of it left.
If she's innocent she needs to be released and given a multi million pound settlement as the abuse she must have faced would be shocking and I reckon NHS Trusts would be reticent to take her on for fear of upsetting parents.
Last edited by ryanb741; 4th February 2025 at 18:44.
It was not evidence, there is no evidence she did anything.
A false expert slewed a medical paper, today the author of that paper led a panel of the best doctors in that field and refuted the so called experts interpretation (lie) of it.
You have to watch it all to see the full picture.
Especially that from Dr Dewi Evans. He has written at least 3 articles for the Times defending his position.
However, see 1:51:45 to 1:52:45 of:
Started out with nothing. Still have most of it left.
I don’t know how I could make a decision on her innocence or guilt, based on the information available to us. There are such contradictory conclusions from the two sides of the case. There may be grounds for an appeal, if only so all the evidence can be reviewed again…which does not mean she is innocent. I don’t think we will ever know for sure, unless she fully admits guilt, which seems unlikely.
It’s good to see so many legally and medically qualified people on this thread it really is.
I’ll know who to come for advice.
Obviously you havent watched the video nor researched these doctors and their expertise compared to the uncontested so called expert witness.
So why comment if you arent going to look at the facts?
I had made no judgement on this case untill I listened to the facts today.
Not so we are quoting the qualified highly trained doctors,not getting all emotional without bothering to see the facts.
If you did and you had a sick baby in the family you would not go to the so called expert witness but the real expert doctor from Canada.
Watch the video please then come back with an open mind.
Yep, I’ll definitely take your opinion and trust your judgment after watching a YouTube video over hours of evidence painstakingly gathered from witnesses, clinicians and other medical personnel. Put before the CPS who have a notoriously high bar for progressing cases who then took it to court. And then a judge and jury. You can’t even post in the correct place on the forum.
And i see Ryan (I have a direct line to Maryland and Langley about drones) is joining in on your side as well. Hilarious.
A bit rich calling me emotive, any chance you get you start whining about the Police and how poor they are. Have a day off.
This thread is completely pointless as is the one in the BP. No one here is qualified to make any judgement. Some people seem to like bickering for the sake of it. No matter what the subject is. Reminds me of a Monty Python sketch.
Absolutely, not the cleverest place to start this thread especially as there’s one in the BP.
I'm going to unsubscribe from this thread as the conspiracy theory wacko vibes are strong but...
She's been convicted by one court of 7 murders, 7 attempt and another court of another count of attempted murder. She's then been to the Court of Appeal twice who have looked at the evidence and told her she has no grounds for appeal. For now, the only logical conclusion is that she is guilty. I very much doubt that the CCRC stunt will go anywhere. I am more interested in why David Davis and pals are making her a cause célèbre.
(and what did happen with all the drones? have the aliens invaded yet?)
Why the negativity, oh the irony.
Your so called experts don’t even have access to all of the evidence to form an opinion. But its on YouTube so must be true.
You are having a laugh, aren't you. The CPS has two tests to charge a person. Is it in the public interest? This is almost always true in serious cases.
The second test is an evidential test. Is there a 50% chance that a jury, based on the evidence is likely to find the person guilty. More than 50% likelihood the person will be charged. Less than 50% likelihood, there will be no charge.
That's it. The bar is not that high.
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Oh dear, not another one.
Why not keep an open mind, and if you believe in justice, recognise these well established processes are there to prevent miscarriages of justice, if there was any. Previous appeals did not examine the new evidence that has been brought to attention today.
It is not about whether she did it or not, it is about whether a jury, based on the evidence, believe the crime has been committed beyond reasonable doubt. If there is new evidence, everyone deserves a fair hearing. We have to have full faith in the judicial system, and hence that check and balances that are available. It could be your friend or relative next.
About the CCRC
The Criminal Cases Review Commission looks into criminal cases where people believe they have been wrongly convicted or wrongly sentenced.
These cases are for those who have already lost their appeal. If we do find something wrong with a conviction or sentence, we can send the case back to the Court of Appeal.
To launch a fresh appeal, we need something important like strong new evidence or an argument that makes the case look different now.
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Nobody else get this invite?
What you have on Eddie, I have no idea, but why he has let you back each time with new names baffles me.
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Exactly! I’m at my sister’s just now and watched Davis on TV. My BiL (. “I like Boris……..”) also thinks Davis is a ‘good politician’……………
He only realised it was the same fud who helped screw the UK in brexit…….. when I told him.
I think Davis has simply found a ‘cause’ - to try and stay relevant.
I am prepared to believe he is sincere on this one.
It doesn’t change my view that politicians should stay out of judicial matters. On the other hand their voice counts more than Joe Public’s so they help in giving a platform to the case. He (and Nadine, who jumped on that wagon too) should now disappear from the spotlight, his work is done.
'Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain' - Schiller.
Jurors have a slight benefit over others in that they are privy to the evidence, Counsels arguments and Judges directions. Which we and the YouTube Experts are not.
But the question of Jurors capabilities and the merits of a trial by Jury are another argument for another day.
And this thread has already gone off on a weird tangent.
I was surprised to see footage of Letby being arrested in her home? Is that normal?
Probably Police body cam - and not quite the same as the BBC and Cliff Richard - but still………………….. surprised me.