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Thread: USS Wando US Navy Tugboat deck clock

  1. #1

    USS Wando US Navy Tugboat deck clock

    Just got this. An early US Navy deck clock. Rare to find a US Navy clock with the ships name on it. This clock was sold by Ashton valve co. They made gauges for engine rooms. The company made the cases but used clock movements made by Chelsea, Seth Thomas, E. Howard clock companies. This clock has a Chelsea movement and made for the tugboat USS Wando. The clock from around 1917 is 10-inch case and an 8-inch dial. The USS Wando was a US Navy tugboat used in WW1 and WW2 and was on both coast of the USA.

    Info on the USS Wando
    Info on early navy clocks. Really rare to find this one had to have it.
    Last edited by River Rat; 1st February 2025 at 21:52.

  2. #2
    Here it is on the wall. On my first ship when it was time to transfer to another ship you talk to a detailer, I ask for tug duty and get an ammo ship instead. Well, I might not have got tug duty, but I got a clock off one. So, I posted a photo of what I wanted and what I got with the clock and a plaque from the ship I got.

  3. #3
    Grand Master Saint-Just's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Ashford, Kent
    You have a rich and interesting collection. Thank you for sharing.
    'Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain' - Schiller.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Down south jukin
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    I love seeing the clocks that you have acquired and the storys alongs side.

    What do you have in the way of USN Coffee mugs?

    Its another rabbit hole to fall down but would tie in nicely with the clocks if you could find one of the same name.

    Last year I bought one from U.S.S. MACDONOUGH,its original not a copy.

    Coffee taste great in it and it warms the hands,I like to imagine someone on watch had been using it.

    Heavy,with a wide base to stop sliding in heavy seas,I expect you know this.

    Mine was made by "mil art china co chelmsford ma"it cost me quite a lot.

    Here is another one (different ship) onEtsy.

    I believe it was Victor that started it all of.

  5. #5
    Grand Master Sinnlover's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    It’s nice that an ‘unsung ship’ gets remembered in some way.
    Tugs might not be as glamorous as a carrier or battleship but they do crucial work.
    At least part of her remains and is in use

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by bwest76 View Post
    I love seeing the clocks that you have acquired and the storys alongs side.

    What do you have in the way of USN Coffee mugs?

    Its another rabbit hole to fall down but would tie in nicely with the clocks if you could find one of the same name.

    Last year I bought one from U.S.S. MACDONOUGH,its original not a copy.

    Coffee taste great in it and it warms the hands,I like to imagine someone on watch had been using it.

    Heavy,with a wide base to stop sliding in heavy seas,I expect you know this.

    Mine was made by "mil art china co chelmsford ma"it cost me quite a lot.

    Here is another one (different ship) onEtsy.

    I believe it was Victor that started it all of.

    Here one of them

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Yorkshireman at heart
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    This looks really great

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Down south jukin
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    Quote Originally Posted by River Rat View Post
    Here one of them
    Very nice was that a unit you served with?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by bwest76 View Post
    Very nice was that a unit you served with?
    SBU XI (Special Boat Unit Eleven) little info below early SWCC

    USS Proteus AS-19
    USS Mauna Kea AE-22
    Cargo Handling Battalion 3
    MIUW 103 (Mobil Inshore Underwater Warfare Unit 103)
    Sima Alameda Naval Air Station at the sail loft

    Here is a sea story that might interest some of you. When on the USS Proteus AS-19 we were in Diego Garcia being on a Sub Tender we were servicing any ship that came along side since I think the US lease the base, we have there from England we also service your ships once in a while the HMS Sheffield came along side. Our ship at anchor a sub tender has anchors at both ends of the ship, so we don't twist around not good when you have ships tied up to you. The crew of the HMS Sheffield used our liberty boats to get to the Island of Diego Garcia both crews traded stuff I remember both deck departments were painting the sides of their ships at the same time. The English sailors were better dressed for working in the tropics shorts and sandals. Met their XO that's another story. The sad thing was a month later the Falklands war happened, and that ship did not make it. It feels funny to have walked on the deck of a ship were that happens to it. The next big naval war I think missiles and drones will change naval warfare forever.
    Last edited by River Rat; 4th February 2025 at 19:07.

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