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Thread: Spain - More Storms on the way:(

  1. #1
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    Spain - More Storms on the way:(

    Just seen the BBC headlines . At least they’ve had a warning this time and have been equiped with sandbags and evacuated where needed . I have friends in Spain who are livid as the total lack of drainage networks where they live has caused lots of damage in the surrounding area. They have said that every year they get floods and nothing has ever been done to rectify it . Fingers crossed that no more people die from this weather front and neglect .

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  2. #2
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    Hopefully forewarned is forearmed and all folks stay safe...Heard not 2 hours ago on the radio we're on another 24 hour alert.

    My perspective fwiw here in coastal murcia, boots on the ground about 20 minutes south from Cartagena. The rambla-drainage system in my immediate surrounds, the village, it's good, hasn't been aggressively built upon or diverted. We´ve had Gota Frias here before, coped, even in the first house which was more exposed, maybe a 100 m´s higher and surrounded by part of our local Sierra...Good news, just last week the local council sent the tractor with the hedging machine right through the rambla at the bottom of our garden, blitzed it they´ve done the prep and our house fortunately is about 10- 12 metre´s above the low point of the rambla channel, itself runs through this fairly shallow valley through which the middle of the village runs...
    So with luck- without a weeks long biblical deluge, which ain´t forecast...It´s not actually raining here yet, fingers confidently crossed , we´ll see.

    THERE´S only gonna be more storms on the way, somewhere, always, from here on is what it is...some previously inhabitable areas are going to become uninhabitable, sad to say.
    Last edited by Passenger; 13th November 2024 at 21:17.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Passenger View Post
    Hopefully forewarned is forearmed and all folks stay safe...Heard not 2 hours ago on the radio we're on another 24 hour alert.

    My perspective fwiw here in coastal murcia, boots on the ground about 20 minutes south from Cartagena. The rambla-drainage system in my immediate surrounds, the village, it's good, hasn't been aggressively built upon or diverted. We´ve had Gota Frias here before, coped, even in the first house which was more exposed, maybe a 100 m´s higher and surrounded by part of our local Sierra...Good news, just last week the local council sent the tractor with the hedging machine right through the rambla at the bottom of our garden, blitzed it they´ve done the prep and our house fortunately is about 10- 12 metre´s above the low point of the rambla channel, itself runs through this fairly shallow valley through which the middle of the village runs...
    So with luck- without a weeks long biblical deluge, which ain´t forecast...It´s not actually raining here yet, fingers confidently crossed , we´ll see.

    THERE´S only gonna be more storms on the way, somewhere, always, from here on is what it is.
    Yeah , it seems Spain is no stranger to this issue as it happens every year but doesn’t get resolved. Hopefully local councils/government will spend some money on proper drainage as it could have easily been avoided and lives spared , not unlike the old folks in Spanish care homes during Covid that the authorities left to rot . Poor sods. Maybe the 100000 people demonstrations and mud throwing at the King will be a strong enough jolt to get stuff done
    Anyway Spanish peeps stay safe and get to the high ground , fingers crossed for you :)

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  4. #4
    Malaga already flooded

  5. #5
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stilgoe1972 View Post
    Yeah , it seems Spain is no stranger to this issue as it happens every year but doesn’t get resolved. Hopefully local councils/government will spend some money on proper drainage as it could have easily been avoided and lives spared , not unlike the old folks in Spanish care homes during Covid that the authorities left to rot . Poor sods. Maybe the 100000 people demonstrations and mud throwing at the King will be a strong enough jolt to get stuff done
    Anyway Spanish peeps stay safe and get to the high ground , fingers crossed for you :)

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    Warmed my heart, what those folks did, the mud throwing. Hope your friends are fine. Always a prudent idea to visit an area several times, different seasons ideally to really get a feel of for it IF you´re planning a move. We were lucky, lived here for most of a year, having visited on 2 or 3 holidays prior, before deciding to try and Make it permanent,,,best wishes to your mates.
    Nah not every year, not here .our last proper one was maybe a decade ago... from our little house we watched waterfalls briefly born on the peaks across the plateau, about 200 metres away. Beautiful, maybe a dozen of us in our mini hamlet , outside entranced by the spectacle, rare according to the old uns present. Lots of variation in local weather imho.

    Climates changed, freak weather the new normal. Fingers crossed for all of us.

    No rain here yet.
    Last edited by Passenger; 13th November 2024 at 20:31.

  6. #6
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    It was terrible here in Mazarron Sunday before last. I think we are safe now but it’s moving down to Malaga which on the news was bad this evening.

    Where we are is a modern development 20 years old so drainage is quite good and not in the way of the Ramplas (drainage ducts), but there is a lot of water that comes off the mountains in Murcia.
    Last edited by hilly10; 13th November 2024 at 22:26.

  7. #7
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hilly10 View Post
    It was terrible here in Mazarron Sunday before last. I think we are safe now but it’s moving down to Malaga which on the news was bad this evening.

    Where we are is a modern development 20 years old so drainage is quite good and not in the way of the Ramplas (drainage ducts), but there is a lot of water that comes off the mountains in Murcia.
    Hope you're recovering well Hilly, hows the ankle?...Yes Mazarron does tend to get clobbered every so often... maybe a touch over built in some parts/ and close to or at sea level, there´s some ramblas do vent down via the farmed areas adjacent- along that stetch of coast. We tend to venture to La Azohia and Isla Plana beaches, just up from Mazz, slightly less busy, bit less low rise tower blocky. Though tbh I mostly skip the beaches July- August...much nicer out of season anyway, got a pool for high summer.

    You- the mates in the Country Club, at a guess...?

    We had some epic lightning last night, at times almost in the front garden so it seemed...still no rain this evening.
    Last edited by Passenger; 13th November 2024 at 22:58.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Passenger View Post
    Hope you're recovering well Hilly, hows the ankle?...Yes Mazarron does tend to get clobbered, maybe a touch over built in some parts/ at sea level, ramblas do certainly vent down via the farmed areas adjacent- along that stetch of coast. We had some epic lightning last night, at times almost in the front garden so it seemed...still no rain this evening.
    Yes it was quite a storm about 7pm all dried up by 11pm then it rained from about 7am till noon today but its chilly. Looking better tomorrow 23c with some sun. We are on the Country Club which has good drainage, but Campasol especially Sector C & D can be horrendous.

    Ankle is getting stronger and easier but cannot put weight on it. The Fibula break is it itching like mad so that a good sign. Wife is gonna drive down to the Port tomorrow and I will wheel myself around to get a bit of exercise.

    PS We also go to Isla Plana Social on Saturdays, great coffee, toastados and live music, what’s not to like.
    Last edited by hilly10; 13th November 2024 at 23:05.

  9. #9
    Total overkill from the media. Just a bit o rain ffs. Nipped out in between showers for a meal n some rum.
    Good drying day.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by hilly10 View Post
    Yes it was quite a storm about 7pm all dried up by 11pm then it rained from about 7am till noon today but its chilly. Looking better tomorrow 23c with some sun. We are on the Country Club which has good drainage, but Campasol especially Sector C & D can be horrendous.

    Ankle is getting stronger and easier but cannot put weight on it. The Fibula break is it itching like mad so that a good sign. Wife is gonna drive down to the Port tomorrow and I will wheel myself around to get a bit of exercise.
    Glad you´re on the mend fella.

    ah yes Camparsehole...built cheap, over- in the Ramblas on C and D, without aforethought, bit of a classic developers stitch up that one..Last I heard they were campaigning for Mazarron council to adopt the development, and start improving services...we heard some of the saga, at length, cos we knew some folks out there...until they sold, finally, and moved to Bol Nuevo, much nicer imho.

    Yup the Isla Plana Social Club...spent time on a fair few Sat-Sundays, over the years...Used to be run by the bro of a mate of ours, Sebastian, dunno if you patronised it then, before Covid...he lost the licence daft lad, selling food without necessary permit and it was closed for quite a few years...Nice spot, lovely view of the church on the point there, and sea view, free music too..- If you´ve never tried it, not open currently off season, shame, there´s an ice cream shop, Helados Venezia, outstanding.
    Last edited by Passenger; 13th November 2024 at 23:18.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Passenger View Post
    Glad you´re on the mend fella.

    ah yes Camparsehole...built cheap, over- in the Ramblas on C and D, without aforethought, bit of a classic developers stitch up that one..Last I heard they were campaigning for Mazarron council to adopt the development, and start improving services...we heard some of the saga, at length, cos we knew some folks out there...until they sold, finally, and moved to Bol Nuevo, much nicer imho.

    Yup the Isla Plana Social Club...spent time on a fair few Sat-Sundays, over the years...Used to be run by the bro of a mate of ours, Sebastian, dunno if you patronised it then, before Covid...he lost the licence daft lad, selling food without necessary permit and it was closed for quite a few years...Nice spot, lovely view of the church on the point there, and sea view, free music too..- If you´ve never tried it, not open currently off season, shame, there´s an ice cream shop, Helados Venezia, outstanding.

    Our best friends had a lovely Villa on D but the roads etc were horrendous. As you say there was talk of the Council spending money on the roads and they were going to start in January but still nothing.

    Our friends moved to Country Club by us in April and they love it, so quite and clean.

  12. #12
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hilly10 View Post
    Our best friends had a lovely Villa on D but the roads etc were horrendous. As you say there was talk of the Council spending money on the roads and they were going to start in January but still nothing.

    Our friends moved to Country Club by us in April and they love it, so quite and clean.
    The folks on C sol didn't pay their contribution to the local council from the start, we always felt it was a bit cheeky to expect Maz Council to come to their rescue and fix the poor roads, other infrastructure too, which the developer left, without paying your taxes...caveat emptor/ cheap for a reason...the Country Club the better choice.

    Don't think it rained here in the night at all, school run shortly.
    Last edited by Passenger; 14th November 2024 at 07:17.

  13. #13
    Grand Master thieuster's Avatar
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    My son's sailing team (he's an optimist coach) received an email from the Valencia OptiOrange Cup org. That regatta is set for the first week of March '25. In the email, the OptiOrange organization committee asked everybody to join that regatta despite all the worries now. It would be good for the Spanish children to have something to take their minds off, is the message of the email. His team never sailed the OptiOrange before (Palamos in Catalonia or Bandol near Marseille are the normal destinations in March). Perhaps the Org.committee has sent out an email to all European addresses they could get their hands on.

    We (Dutch) are not able to oversee everything, other than what we see on videos and the evening news. My son told me about the email they received and I love the spirit of the Valencianos.

    And yes, they plan to go there with the team.

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