I just bought an SLA061 (the Black Edition Willard) with a chunky discount from WatchO and being perfectly honest I would have struggled to get there at the £2,800 sticker price. It is a lovely thing, great finishing and a wonderful dial but there’s quite a lot out there at a similar price which would probably tempt me further. At a discount though, bringing it under £2,000, I feel it’s good value. Part of that is driven by resale value, of course - IME Seikos tend to depreciate like meteorites unless they are “halo” models so at full whack I’d be taking a bath if I decided to move it on.
The good news is that the SLA range seem to be offered at discount quite frequently, and that can make them great value.
BTW, there’s a lot of stuff online about the performance of the 8L35; for what it’s worth mine’s been running happily at about +4 seconds a day.