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Thread: Winter fuel payment

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  1. #11
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Cartagena, Spain
    Quote Originally Posted by oldoakknives View Post
    I think you misunderstood my point. I understand the principle behind the Ponzi scheme.
    I get that the pension scheme in the U.K. can be said to be based on that principle because people who have qualified by paying NI long enough are paid out from funds currently being paid in.

    But other benefits are also being paid from funds currently being paid in. So they rely on people at the bottom of the pyramid paying in. So surely they are Ponzi schemes as well, but without the beneficiaries having to pay in!

    It always feels to me that people referring to the pension as a Ponzi scheme are looking down their noses at it somewhat.
    They wouldn’t dream of criticising people drawing benefits but feel ok saying ‘oh the state pension is just a Ponzi scheme you know, because it’s not your money it’s everyone else’s’ !

    Well I paid NI and tax for 42 years, which helped to pay for all those drawing out benefits during that time, so Ponzi scheme or not I don’t feel guilty about having a state pension.

    So when people say ‘but your state pension is just a Ponzi scheme you know’ I really couldn’t care less.
    I don't get the sense anyone's looking down on it, or criticising it/ them come to that, heck most all who work pay tax/ NI don't's more to do with correcting the inaccurate notion many seem to have that there's this pot of their contributions from which their pension comes...More broadly, dunno why should you or anyone care about what others say/ think, guilt what even is that...good on you I say.
    Last edited by Passenger; 9th September 2024 at 08:39.

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