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Thread: Trench Watch Treasure

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Trench Watch Treasure

    I may have mentioned somewhere in the vastness of this forum that I only ever remember my Father wearing mainly digital Casios and, as he never threw anything away, I was expecting to find a box full of these battered Casios after he had died. Happily this has yet to transpire and, as my Mum makes her way through the various drawers, chests and boxes which contain the accumulated chaff of a lengthy lifetime the odd treasure is appearing. This is the first watch related treasure and I believe that this can certainly be classed as treasure. I very much doubt it was my Father's in a sense that he didn't buy it and, to mine and my Mother's memory, he never wore it. I have to assume that it came down his side of the family as Mum would know exactly to whom it belonged if it had come through her side. There the speculation ends and (as I know you are crying out for photos) I will add the photos.

    What I have managed to discern about the watch is as follows:

    Movement looks like an Omega 13 SB and dates to between 1910 and 1915

    Case is signed Omega and the number indicates it was made in 1916.

    The English hall marks note that the case was assayed in London between 1914 and 1915 and is Sterling Silver. The sponsor (responsible for the importing and assaying) was Selling Agency who were the agents for Omega at the time.

    Now on to the mystery. The link with the trenches is tenuous and currently stretches only as far as the style and age of the watch. My paternal Grandfather spent the First World War bimbling about the Med on boats and I already have a similarly aged watch with his initials on (although I suppose it isn't unheard of for a gentleman to have more than one watch). So I don't know how the watch relates to me. Sadly both my Father and Uncle are dead so a there are no primary sources. So I think I will be reduced to perusing old photographs. I expect I shall enjoy the investigation.

    If any of you knowledgeable gents can add further information about the watch (or correct what I think I know) then please do so as I would love to know more.

    Just wanted to add a massive thank you you to that invaluable website vintagewatchstraps which is a proper mine of information on this type of watches.
    Last edited by Wimm; 6th August 2024 at 21:42.

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