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Thread: Kitchen window view veg patch.

  1. #1

    Kitchen window view veg patch.

    Down the side of our Bungalow it is a bit of a sun trap and this year I decided to take advantage and play with some vegetables/fruit just for fun.

    First of all I fixed four planters in place too a garden trolley I bought so that if needed I could move the "garden" about and set some spuds, strawberries and tomatoes, once they started to grow I added a couple of planters too the gates with tomatoes in and had to build up the side of the planters with the spuds in which I had too do a couple of times too build the soil up as they kept growing really well, they are all flowering now and there looks to be lots of strawberries.

    Hopefully it wont be all top growth and there will be a good harvest in due time.

    Whatever happens it has been enjoyable and I have grander plans for next year with the help of what I've learned this year.

  2. #2
    Grand Master oldoakknives's Avatar
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    Mini Munch Cucumbers, but they need to be trained up canes.
    Started out with nothing. Still have most of it left.

  3. #3
    Couple of comments: -

    I'd cut those potato flowers stems off - plants will only waste energy producing seeds.
    Strawberries look overshadowed - give them a more sunny spot if you can.

  4. #4
    Great little project. Try some herbs - very satisfying to use freshly picked herbs straight into your cooking.

    Sent from my iPhone using TZ-UK mobile app

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Kingstepper View Post
    Couple of comments: -

    I'd cut those potato flowers stems off - plants will only waste energy producing seeds.
    Strawberries look overshadowed - give them a more sunny spot if you can.
    Thanks, advice seems a bit 50/50 with the spud flowers but I agree the strawberries need some more sun/light, having said that we all need a bit more sun :)

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