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Thread: Dealer price offers on SC

  1. #1
    Master sish101's Avatar
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    Dealer price offers on SC

    Not wishing to get flamed and just a random musing whilst I enjoy a coffee and not directed at any particular listing (past or current).

    On Sales Corner, where a poster says "I've had a dealer price on this", does the panel think it would be useful to state what this price is, so that a potential buyer on here would have an idea what to offer (even if this was, say, +£250 more to factor in any postage and insurance costs, etc).

    I vaguely remember people used to say (back in the Halcyon Days) that they had a Watchfinder quote but rarely did they actually give what that was.

    I appreciate that we're free to contact a seller with an offer but it might save time and manage expectations if an idea of the offered dealer price was included in the listing. The lower price might allow watches to stay on the forum and for genuine watch enjoyers to enjoy.

    Discuss (politely, please)
    Last edited by sish101; 11th March 2024 at 12:01.

  2. #2
    Grand Master wileeeeeey's Avatar
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    It doesn’t matter what the dealer offer is. If you’re willing to pay £500 and another buyer (trade or otherwise) is happy to pay £501 their offer is theirs and yours is yours. It isn’t an auction.

  3. #3
    Master sish101's Avatar
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    I appreciate that SC listings are not an auction. My point was on SC, a watch may be listed for £8K. The dealer price (which a buyer has indicated they have a quoted offer) will obviously be less than this (say 20% less). Presuming that the seller is not bothered where the watch ends up (as long as they get it sold), I just wondered if they included the dealer offer price in the listing whether this would facilitate more watches being sold on here and not going to trade where they get marked back up by that 20% (appreciating that there may be service costs and a spruce up included in that increased figure)

    (Apologies if I have missed the point entirely. It was just a Monday morning musing)
    Last edited by sish101; 11th March 2024 at 12:18.

  4. #4
    Grand Master
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    I have a dealer price usually means they have 'suggested' this or 'i have assumed' this.

    What it can also mean is thats a consignment price or Hassle.

    If you price it well it will sell, if not off you trot to the dealers to get paid and dont worry about doing us the favour.

    If thats not true or they flake then 'hope' you are in the reasonable price arena for the current market

  5. #5
    Whenever i see someone say that I always thought they are talking s**t and i avoid buying from them

  6. #6
    What would be the point?
    We would have no way of knowing if the price “quoted by the dealer” was true or made up by the seller.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by sish101 View Post
    I appreciate that SC listings are not an auction. My point was on SC, a watch may be listed for £8K. The dealer price (which a buyer has indicated they have a quoted offer) will obviously be less than this (say 20% less). Presuming that the seller is not bothered where the watch ends up (as long as they get it sold), I just wondered if they included the dealer offer price in the listing whether this would facilitate more watches being sold on here and not going to trade where they get marked back up by that 20% (appreciating that there may be service costs and a spruce up included in that increased figure)

    (Apologies if I have missed the point entirely. It was just a Monday morning musing)
    I have a dealer price is just a way to intimate that they dont have to sell on SC, they dont have to accept low-ball offers, and that their watch is popular so buyers need to act quickly to secure it before it goes "off to the trade"

    Rest assured that the dealer price will not be mentioned because it's a private sales tool, and probably in the region of £4.

  8. #8
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    This all seems a bit harsh. Surely there are plenty of good-egg regular sellers on here who might say something like "I've been offered £7k by Watchfinder so it would be nice and win-win if I got that or more on here and the watch went to a TZer (and there's no point in anyone offering less than that". Though it follows from that that I agree the dealer offer should be stated and that it's worthless puff otherwise.

  9. #9
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by verv View Post
    I have a dealer price is just a way to intimate that they dont have to sell on SC, they dont have to accept low-ball offers, and that their watch is popular so buyers need to act quickly to secure it before it goes "off to the trade"

    Rest assured that the dealer price will not be mentioned because it's a private sales tool, and probably in the region of £4.

  10. #10
    Grand Master Der Amf's Avatar
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    Why would you take the risks of a private sale when you can enjoy the safety of selling to a pro for the same money?

  11. #11
    Master M1011's Avatar
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    I agree that including info on a dealer offer without a price is pretty meaningless. Presumably every watch could be subject to a dealer offer of some form. That said, does no harm, just doesn't do much good either.

  12. #12
    Master M1011's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Der Amf View Post
    Why would you take the risks of a private sale when you can enjoy the safety of selling to a pro for the same money?
    Why choose? Just sell it to both of them.


  13. #13
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M1011 View Post
    Why choose? Just sell it to both of them.


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by M1011 View Post
    I agree that including info on a dealer offer without a price is pretty meaningless. Presumably every watch could be subject to a dealer offer of some form. That said, does no harm, just doesn't do much good either.
    v good

  15. #15
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    Ive got a watch for sale at the minute for £8100. I’ve been offered £8065 by Watchfinder, but the watch I’m after is woefully overpriced (IMO -I’m in negotiations)

    I think the problem is some people on here automatically think you should sell it to them for trade price. (In this case I got the trade value after posting it and am happy to stick to my original evaluation)

    I’ve had some ridiculous lowballs even on really well priced items - ironically even by someone who has commented on here!

    Now I’ve dealt with them several times and it has always been an easy transaction so may proceed but have had some very interesting trade options that weren’t really on my radar- which I like about this place.

  16. #16
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    I tried to sell a watch recently, lower asking than anywhere I can see globally but more than what a dealer would buy from me. In the end, very little interest and I withdrew it. Happy to still own and wear it and would probably been annoyed in the end to sell it for lower.

  17. #17
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    Like everything - something is worth what the buyer is willing to pay for it - in my opinion the offer from the trade line indicates that is what the trade market values and is usually an indication that you are looking for something above that (I would estimate 10-20% more as a rule of thumb) in that case id share that offer as I have done myself in the past or it maybe a good gesture of someone trying to keep a piece in the forum rather than go to trade / grey market - another reason to highlight the offer is to benefit the buyer who maybe arent as knowledgeable that the seller isnt taking the michael

    I recently brought two cars on SC this way I paid £1000 over the trade value which was shared and that provided me with security in a market that I know very little about as an example - I will caveat this with I was recently looking at a new watch that is on SC and the seller informed me that he had an offer from the trade for his asking price - I told him to take it as thats what I would do in such circumstances

    For all the above - I personally dont buy on price alone and I still believe people buy from people - likewise if its too good to be true it usually is
    Last edited by R0bertb00th; 11th March 2024 at 18:18.

  18. #18
    Craftsman Byron's Avatar
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    Not sure if the OP is aimed my way but I’ve got a for sale post up at the minute for a watch that probably has a pretty narrow audience (diamond bezel, markers) and added annoyance of not having all the links further narrowing the audience.

    I have added some trade (1 firm SOR offer) information in my post as I thought it could be useful but it is SOR and is hassle in my opinion.

    My price offered here is less than the SOR at the lowest hoped achievement price, so offering watch here at less than trade money would be welcomed?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by M1011 View Post
    Why choose? Just sell it to both of them.

    Sprayed my lilt.

  20. #20
    Grand Master Dave+63's Avatar
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    I don’t know whether the OP was aimed at you or not but you could be waiting a long time to realise the SOR figure, which isn’t a trade price, it’s dealer price less his commission. That will most certainly be a Price between his buy in and selling price so probably a reasonable indicator of what you could expect selling privately.

    Of course, selling on SOR could take a long time to get a sale and selling at a dealer buy in price, either to the trade or privately would no doubt get it sold more quickly.

    I have no idea whether or not your asking price is reasonable as it’s not a watch id personally be interested in.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost Chilli View Post
    Ive got a watch for sale at the minute for £8100. I’ve been offered £8065 by Watchfinder, but the watch I’m after is woefully overpriced (IMO -I’m in negotiations)

    I think the problem is some people on here automatically think you should sell it to them for trade price. (In this case I got the trade value after posting it and am happy to stick to my original evaluation)

    I’ve had some ridiculous lowballs even on really well priced items - ironically even by someone who has commented on here!

    Now I’ve dealt with them several times and it has always been an easy transaction so may proceed but have had some very interesting trade options that weren’t really on my radar- which I like about this place.
    Surely this offer is a trade in price, not a straight “dealer offer”
    Assuming the price is tied to your purchase.

  22. #22
    Master sish101's Avatar
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    Just to confirm that I wasn't looking at anyone in particular (with past or current SC listings), just wanting to gauge the thoughts of others.

    I appreciate that a seller will sell and a buyer will buy at their mutually agreeable price.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by watchlovr View Post
    Surely this offer is a trade in price, not a straight “dealer offer”
    Assuming the price is tied to your purchase.
    Well, I asked the question and they confirmed they’d have it either way. I love the watch and will only sell if I have a replacement I love.

  24. #24
    Craftsman Byron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave+63 View Post
    I don’t know whether the OP was aimed at you or not but you could be waiting a long time to realise the SOR figure, which isn’t a trade price, it’s dealer price less his commission. That will most certainly be a Price between his buy in and selling price so probably a reasonable indicator of what you could expect selling privately.

    Of course, selling on SOR could take a long time to get a sale and selling at a dealer buy in price, either to the trade or privately would no doubt get it sold more quickly.

    I have no idea whether or not your asking price is reasonable as it’s not a watch id personally be interested in.
    I don’t disagree on any of your points hence why I’m offering it here and appreciate SOR is not a trade price.

    The revised price I’ve advertised on here is 15% less plus an additional £500 off than the lowest proceeds I would expect from the dealer for a SOR, which I think could be a good deal for someone.

  25. #25
    Journeyman Ikincooper's Avatar
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    To be honest it takes very minimal effort to obtain a trade in price for a watch and as a buyer yes I think it’s valuable information to have. That said I’m not sure this detail needs to be public rather something to be discussed via PM.

    I think private purchasers on SC (and I say this having been one) should be prepared to pay above trade, yet below retail to factor in the added risks existing on both sides. Given the current spread between the 2, there should be plenty of scope for mutually beneficial deals to be done.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  26. #26
    Master bokbok's Avatar
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    Totally Agree with Kerry. It's the posts gets me sold off forum Or sold to dealer like you missed out lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by 100thmonkey View Post
    I have a dealer price usually means they have 'suggested' this or 'i have assumed' this.

    What it can also mean is thats a consignment price or Hassle.

    If you price it well it will sell, if not off you trot to the dealers to get paid and dont worry about doing us the favour.

    If thats not true or they flake then 'hope' you are in the reasonable price arena for the current market

    Sent from my SM-A245F using TZ-UK mobile app

  27. #27
    Master bokbok's Avatar
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    Think that's a good offer for the watch outright sale your selling. Not had a good offer from them in years
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost Chilli View Post
    Well, I asked the question and they confirmed they’d have it either way. I love the watch and will only sell if I have a replacement I love.
    Sent from my SM-A245F using TZ-UK mobile app
    Last edited by bokbok; 12th March 2024 at 01:11.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Interesting one this. I'm sure there are some who make up a dealer price just to justify their own price. Equally there will be others who get an actual realistic dealer price and use it to set their own realistic SC price accordingly.

    My personal view is if you can buy at trade price, you're a trader and therefore should declare as such. If you're not a trader then surely a fair, forum price is somewhere between dealer buy in price and a private sale price ...spirit of the forum and all that.

    I think many of these 'sold off forum', 'sold to trade' posts may be a result of frustration from stealth dealers and hoovers low balling sellers.

    From my own attempts at selling for slightly above or even at a genuine dealer buy price, the forum is rife with closet dealers. I've since does the sensible thing (for me), sold straight to trade and just been patient as it'll take maybe a week to get my money from a dealer (inspection and verification of received watch) versus money in my account by selling privately to someone on here.

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