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Thread: What render is best?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    What render is best?

    Hello everyone

    We are looking to have our property rendered once it’s warmer and wondering what the best product is so would be grateful for advice from everyone, as always.

    I am in the process of obtaining quotations, one of which is for a what I believe will be traditional sand and cement render, with a line additive; Ecorend (which looks good on properties I’ve seen with it but not sure on durability etc) and K Rend (same comments apply as Ecorend).

    I understand that Ecorend and K Rend are monocouche renders and the main plus point is not having to paint once applied. From a quotation I’ve already received, I get the impression the Ecorend option as a product is more expensive but quicker to apply whereas traditional same and cement is cheaper but more labour intensive?

    Property is a bungalow, which currently has light bricks (horrible colour) with dark tiles above that sit on wood battons attached to breeze block. The tiles will be removed and either the entire property will be rendered or most of it with a new and different cladding design added.

    I’ve searched the threads and have only found one or two vaguely relevant posts hence this post. Does anyone have experience of this? Any feedback appreciated.

    Sent from my iPhone using TZ-UK mobile app

  2. #2
    I recently had weber rendering done. It was pump sprayed and hand scraped and completed in - day for around 25sqm .

    I reckon I paid around £80 a sqm but quite a few windows to navigate and I wanted Apu beads around windows (these are worth it!)

    Biggest thing to consider is their talent. It’s tough to get it right so ask to see their work. I paid more than other quotes but the finish is brilliant. And so much cheaper than paying twice.

  3. #3
    Grand Master Chris_in_the_UK's Avatar
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    We had it done in 2022 - recommended company. We went for 'through colour' render which does not require painting/re-painting. Good choice of colours (40+), took them 3 days (semi with a decent sized extension) worked out at £6.5k including the scaffolding. Product was applied with a spray gun then hand finished, all edges beaded - 4 person team. Has a 10 year guarantee.
    When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks long into you.........

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Make sure all the windows and doors are up to standard as once Weber/K-rend finishes are applied you cannot patch them in if there is any damaged cause, so any window replacement is a real no go.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    My bungalow was built in the 80’s and had the horrible stone chip render. Back in 2018 I had it all taken off and re rendered with K rend.

    6 years on it still looks as good as when it was done, and I haven’t had to touch it in any way regarding maintenance and upkeep.

  6. #6
    Best advice I could give is to go with whatever product your contractor recommends, as they're the guys you'll be calling back if you have an issue in the future.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Northern Ireland
    Our K-rend has green staining 3/4 years after it was applied (new build) especially on the flat parts but we did have large trees around the boundary which I'm told is an issue

    Our was not the newer sealed type K-rend

    I've heard STO and Weber are now the industry leaders, but when I did my next build, I opted for paint (trees around again)

  8. #8
    My K rend walls are stained , had it done in 2017 , I would just go for paint personally next time.

  9. #9
    I had front of the house and garden walls done with K Rend.

    My expereince is it is a great product when it is protected (ie the house had the eaves) and 10 years after it was done it still looked like new with zero maintenance.

    The retaining walls were a disaster so my opinion is K Rend is a good product but does not tolerate getting very wet.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    London, UK
    Fine scoring of the skins, skins side down into a cold pan and then a medium heat. Try not to move it around, as the day renders tip it off to a bowl leavings very small amount. Juts to stop the skis. From sticking. When rendered and desired skin caramelisation is reached tip out the fat, deglazed turn over the protein, lower heat add the aromatics and butter.

    Use the fat for roast potatoes ..

    ( I may be mis understanding your question).

  11. #11
    Master reggie747's Avatar
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    The Mersey Riviera
    Quote Originally Posted by MB2 View Post

    The retaining walls were a disaster so my opinion is K Rend is a good product but does not tolerate getting very wet.
    Water getting behind it from coping stone tops and then freezing is the garden wall K-Rend killer (as you've sadly discovered)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    My whole house has Krend applied.

    The issues people have above is they haven’t sealed the Krend which they recommend. You can easily do this yourself and save the daft prices you are quoted.

    Regarding any green stains you can simply jetwash and the Krend in back to new.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by reggie747 View Post
    Water getting behind it from coping stone tops and then freezing is the garden wall K-Rend killer (as you've sadly discovered)
    Indeed - originally there wasn't even any coping stones just sqaure walls - looked so slick for a little while. Walls ended up with cladding on the front of them and ally cappings - looked great again in the end but no need to have bothered with the K Rend really.

    Still think its potentially a great product, but in the right circumstances.

  14. #14
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    Nr Edinburgh
    I applied k rend to my house build back in 2010. Still looks quite good with just the odd small run-off water mark from copings. Those who more cheaply applied a basic mortar render and then painted have probably painted their house 2 or 3 times now as paint always seems to look tatty and discoloured after a few years.
    We applied ours with the roughcast method as opposed the smooth that I have seen others use, and per some pics on this thread. Again, glad I chose this method as the smooth is very hard to get a perfect flat finish. Some houses look OK from a distance but when the sun catches them at an angle a lot of smooth renders look really poorly applied with lumps and bumps.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    We did our house with the Baumit version of through coloured render 5 years ago. No issues so far!

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