Simple question.....why don't people put their full return address on the outside of the package when posting watches?

I started using RMSD almost 20 years ago an I`m sure it was mandatory to include full return address details on the package, I remember this being checked when I used to post watches out circa 2004 when I bought and sold watches. In recent years this stopped happening, but that doesn`t explain why folks are reluctant to write their return address on the package. This is the safety-net, the backstop that safeguards against the item being lost if, for whatever reason, the package cannot be delivered to its destination address. It's conceivable that the sender gets the address wrong, I`ve had this happen a couple of times where the wrong street number has been inputted, thankfully the number didn`t exist and the local postie was happy t deliver to me because he knows my name. Also had items where the address has smudged in the rain, but was still legible.

I`m genuinely curious as to why folks are reluctant to write their name and address clearly on the outside of a package containing a valuable item. Sometimes there will be a semi-legible scrawl with a postcode but no house number or name, often there's nothing!

I also find it odd that folks send me watches without a covering letter including their contact details and a phone number, I`ll never understand that!