Looks like there can be up to 22p per day difference in standing charge depending on where you live - £82ish over the year. That seems unfair.
Went over to Octopus tracker a few weeks ago. East Midlands
Electric standing charge 65.37, unit 22.04
Gas standing charge 27.47, unit 5.41
Think I may have boobed as fixed tariff doesn't appear to be avaliable now.
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Octopus fixed tariffs are available today, I've signed up so from October should be cheaper that the 10% increase.
I'll monitor them and move back if needed because there is no early exit fee.
Useful info here from Ofgem:
Last edited by Onelasttime; Yesterday at 11:51.
I've just signed up to 12 months fixed tariff with Outfoxthemarket. Never heard of them before they came up top of the comparison tool - ahead of Octopus and others.
Time will tell if choosing the cheapest has been the wisest decision
Would everyone recommend fixing the fuel prices now?
Yes, if there’s no penalty to leave and the fixed rate is lower than the price cap, which is what Octopus are offering.
The price cap is bound to go up again in January, but probably down slightly in April.
I fixed last October and saved through winter, but I’ve been paying more than the price cap since April.
Thanks. I'm not sure how it all works. I'm with Utility Warehouse they're offering this:
Here are the rates for the tariff (excluding VAT):
Unit rate: 5.612p/kWh
Daily standing charge: 36.250p/day
Unit rate: 25.382p/kWh
Daily standing charge: 33.661p/day
Does that sound good?
It all depends on your usage Ventura.
We use approx 21,000 and 4,000 kWh of gas and electricity respectively, and have just fixed for 12 months with standing charges of 32p and 63p per day, and kWh rates of 6p and 21p. Figures are rounded.
Comparing ours with yours, it appears whatever they give away on the swings, they take back on the roundabout. I don't understand how the standing charge can vary so wildly.
Also on Octopus in Wiltshire and been informed that Gas will increase in October. I have say I think it is hard to justify the Electricity standing charge but they still work out the cheapest with the best service
I agree the standing charge is ridiculous and can be 30p cheaper in other regions.
Already an Octopus customer so just switched from flexible rate to the 15 month fixed. Again, as with others, no exit penalty fees so will swap back if rates fall next year.
I’ve got two electric cars in my household so I’m guessing I’m better off sticking to IOG.
Sent from my iPad using TZ-UK mobile app
It's pretty simple. Firstly, forget what anyone on here is paying because it varies by region so most figures will be meaningless for you.
Ofgem set a maximum price energy companies can charge customers. They set this every 3 months based on wholesale prices. The prices vary by region.
You can check your offer from UW against the Ofgem figures for your region, here:
The Ofgem figures are pretty much what you'd pay if you were on a variable tariff. They include VAT.
Also, look at the Octopus blog here for more pricing info:
With the energy market as it is, you really need to be proactive, but fundamentally, you should never pay more than the Ofgem price cap.
If you agree a fixed term which is lower now, bear in mind the price cap usually goes down from April through the summer months so you might end up paying more during this time. You also need to be aware that fixed tariffs often charge a penalty fee to leave and go on a lower tariff - about £75 each fuel. The current Octopus deal is a no-brainer because it doesn't charge an exit fee and the price is lower than the energy cap. I think this might only be for current customers, I'm not sure.
Good luck.
EDIT: Just to add, it's a bit shady that an energy company shows prices without VAT included.
Last edited by Onelasttime; Yesterday at 12:13.
Thanks very much Onelasttime.
Thinking of this, how’s it compare?
I’m awaiting SO to release their battery/EV tariff in October.
Advised if I switch from Flex to Fixed they will ignore the exit when the new tariff is finally released.
So Sunflower One Year
12 month fixed
Eco 7 Electricity Standing charge: 56.61p / day
Day rate: 25.12p / kWh Night rate: 18.17p / kWh
Electricity Unit Rate: 23.58p / kWh
Standing charge: 56.88p / day
Gas Unit Rate: 6.03p / kWh
Standing charge: 31.47p / day
Exit fee £50 / fuel