Loakes, Church's, Trickers et al.
Some are boots, some have a chunky 'winter' sole. Goodyear welted? So what… they're brogues and only Jacob Rees-Mogg wannabes wear brogues. The ultimate in terrible sartorial taste.
And don't get me started on Red Wing trucker boots, worn with turned-up selvedge jeans. Jesus, that's hillbilly desperate.
But each to their own, of course![]()
Last edited by Onelasttime; 9th January 2025 at 19:11.
Language Timothy!
Best Regards - Peter
I'd hate to be with you when you're on your own.
Non-alcoholic beer.
I don’t care how good it supposedly tastes.
Why clothing manufacturers think my arms must have grown longer because I have slightly stockier. I can't remember seeing any stockily built pensioners with chimpanzee length arms, perhaps I move in the wrong circles.
Started out with nothing. Still have most of it left.
Why people feel the need to crap on others sales threads with 'ooh I think it's a bit dear' or 'I've seen one cheaper'.
Started out with nothing. Still have most of it left.
Makes a lot of sense to me.
Sipping fruit juice or soft drinks (I'm not a fan of Cola, really) while others down pints is no fun at all on those occasions when you can't drink much or at all.
Sadly, most non-alcoholic beer still has a way to go to be truly enjoyable, but it's massively improved in recent years.
Breitling Cosmonaute 809 - What's not to like?
Why humans get attached to inanimate objects.
I've just delivered the BMW I sold to its new owner, and it saddened me on the journey there that I wouldn't get to drive this mental little car ever again. It's just a car, and there are millions available to buy at any time, but this car just holds a weird corner of my heart.
Strange eh? Am I alone in that?
It’s possibly the memories with the car. When I sold my ageing Golf, I was also upset and took a photo. With my wife and two young children, there were many trips, tantrums, tears and memories.
Reminds me of feeling REALLY upset when Duck in Mad Men shoved his dog out of the front doors of their office building.
I know it isn't real.
I know it is just TV.
I know the dog was fine.
But it utterly ruined my night.
Why old people - especially the womens - like to talk about in great length and detail all about their health issues, ailments, hospital appointments, operations they`ve had etc.
I`m not interested.
I still miss my Z4M and remember the last drive in it. Was a double part ex to get my wife a boxster as I wasn’t using it enough as a weekend summer toy due to being very low miles, and pretty rare especially with so few miles.
Right decision as my wife loves her car. Was lucky to have the dealer test drive mine with me in the passenger seat, so got to feel what it was like when not behind the wheel; the wife was never a red liner.
New owner is on the owners forum which is good, he does as few miles as I did haha.
People who criticise the elderly for their foibles without thinking that they too will be old one day. I speak from experience.![]()
Best Regards - Peter
I'd hate to be with you when you're on your own.
Get attached?
One of my previous cars has the ashes of the owner previous to me sealed into the chassis. He loved that car so much that his family couldn't think of a finer or more suitable repository.
I sold the car to a new owner who was fully informed of this, and who happens to live within sight of the cremated one's family home.
That is not the saddest story attached to this car by a country mile, but I won't derail the thread.
The customer at self scan. Put all your bags down first and then scan / pack. Every new bag she introduced whilst scanning, the inevitable unexpected item message kept popping up. This always happens she said exasperated.
I know the self scan tills can be temperamental but the instructions are there on the screen before you start scanning.
True though mebbe not the drugs, booze sure and smoking tabs I may be wrong but the old Persians weren't as endemic to society 60, 70 years ago...just guessing...Back when my Uncles were still alive I can recall them and my Pa reminiscing about some of their Friday nights, drinking pubs dry, getting on the mead...but clearly no E's and whizz, never mind the Devils dandruff...Though I'm not talking London somewhere far more bucolic in fairness and I did know one old boy in my late teens, scouser, reminisced fondly about Black Bombers, so they were around just not as widely available and in as many flavours, varieties...But speaking broadly to your point, yes I reckon you're correct every generation thinks they invented the coolest haircuts, fashion etc and invented sex.
Last edited by Passenger; 16th January 2025 at 23:46.
Why a young lady would be getting on the bus provided to collect council office workers dressed in a onesie and large fluffy slippers.
Started out with nothing. Still have most of it left.
I think it's this.
I once thought I'd lost my Citizen dive watch - It cost me £120, but I wear it on all my UK dives and many overseas ones and I was more upset at losing it than I would have been a more expensive watch, it was the connection to all those memories.
It turned out I hadn't lost it and it's still my go-to watch for UK dives.
Breitling Cosmonaute 809 - What's not to like?
I’m talking about older people now, the generation that made it through the 60s/70s that bucked the trend of the previous 1950s and went nuts with fashion /drugs / free love. And let’s not forget the 80s where cash was flying around as was the heavy use of coke.
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Last edited by Stilgoe1972; 17th January 2025 at 17:35.
Agree things began to be ramped up in the 80's especially Charley darling, but from what I 've read it and experienced it wasn't until the 90's that wholesale recreational use went large in UK society, and also globally speaking. The early use in the late 19th and early 20th Century is perhaps most interesting , the Demi Monde , the French influence, even the Magical lot, Aleister Crowley for instance it's reported experimented heavily with cocaine,...He wanted to prove he could take it consistently then through an act of will, just stop! But it was really tiny sub groups of society, artists, actors/ actresses, writers. poets who experimented, hash as well, sometimes served after coffee... there was apparently an amphetamine scare post war, ex soldiers going nuts...unfounded and then a bit later London and the Swinging Sixties, but as far as I can tell that wave didn't wash out very far geographically/ socially...OK students/ Uni's in the 70's had weed , but again it's usage, the extent across all classes simply doesn't seem to compare to the 90's and after, it's very interesting...40 odd years of the war on drugs and drugs are smashing it. * obvs there's been always a few Opium eaters and Morphine.Heroin users for ages...plausibly an offshoot of legal usage, some in the medical profession will always dabble, folks in pain after the wars had no other options.
Last edited by Passenger; 17th January 2025 at 20:00.
Ha, well from my own parents that are now early 70s they said that there was plenty of speed, coke, weed (block form) ,uppers , downers , flying around in the 60s/70s so I think perhaps where you lived in the UK most likely played a big part in the usage. They lived in the south so maybe it was going on a bit more down there. Late 80s and early 90s were all about getting pilled up or taking LSD / speed whilst raving . Great time to be young :)
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Germans loved a bit of meths!!!
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Maybe I´ve made a mistake, thought it was the same thing, methamphetamine- speed, poor mans coke...speedy, makes the heart race, you chew your gums, get a bit manic, long term use you can get a bit psychotic, twitchy, gums bleeed- teeth drop out you lose weight cos it kills your appetite...same pharma family as the black bombers I referred to earlier., quite a London thing...?
Last edited by Passenger; 17th January 2025 at 22:30.
Hand on heart I can honestly say I`ve never taken any drugs other than alcohol over the years. Some have, some haven`t, I don't take the moral high ground on this. Same with smoking, not for me, but I had no issues with those who decided otherwise.
Despite a strong interest in Northern Soul Music thesedays (borderline obsessive) I was never heavily into the 'scene' back in the 70s when it was originally at its peak. Drugs were very much a part of it, particularly amphetamines, I do recal going to all nighters and seeing people totally spaced out and it was all a bit surreal.
Fortunately most people didn`t suffer long term damage but some did. Nowadays Ibuprofen and beer are the drugs of choice at soul events which are predominantly populated by 60-somethings, those who were involved 'back in the day' usually have a good few tales to tell!
90s Rave Scene will be due for a revival eventually......maybe some will still be popping the Es!
It wasn’t just the Germans
It’s a cracking story.