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Thread: Things you'll never understand

  1. #151
    Master SeanST150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David_D View Post
    I suspect for every person who does the right thing, 10 don’t.

    How do you know which is “yours”??
    Wow, you must not think a lot of people. You assume over 90% of people do the wrong thing.

    As to your question, I use the proven sniff method. I smell all the bags until I recognise which is my dog's s**t. Genuinely, I don't see many bags hanging in trees/bushes. I must just be fortunate that the dogs owners near me act as they should.

  2. #152
    Master murkeywaters's Avatar
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    This is more like what makes you moan thread!

    What I dont get - Selling items on eBay for £1 - why??

  3. #153
    Master DMC102's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Doc View Post
    ...I like Hard Sci Fi, no dragons or goblins
    Me too - thanks!

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by murkeywaters View Post
    This is more like what makes you moan thread!
    Ok something I genuinely don’t get: people walking down the street with their phone held out in front of their face facing upwards, talking into the end of it, possibly while on speaker. I see it all the time. What the hell are they doing?

  5. #155
    Master subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsguy View Post
    Ok something I genuinely don’t get: people walking down the street with their phone held out in front of their face facing upwards, talking into the end of it, possibly while on speaker. I see it all the time. What the hell are they doing?
    Don't understand it either and its becoming more and more common and therefore more and more irritating (to me anyway), maybe not anti-social but definitely irritating. Do they not realise I've no interest in whatever dribble they're spouting loudly to each other.

    I don't understand why so many people flock to the likes of starbucks / costa etc when there are plenty of generally better independent coffee / tea shops much more deserving of peoples custom.

  6. #156
    Grand Master magirus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DMC102 View Post
    Sorry to go off topic but could you recommend a few of your favourite SF authors please? I like good Sci-Fi but struggle to find the wheat amongst all the chaff. TIA

    Philip K.Dick , if you haven't already read his work.

  7. #157
    Master subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Doc View Post
    Iain M. Banks
    Alastair Reynolds
    Greg Bear
    Yoon ha Lee
    Roger Levy
    Anything from the SF Masterworks series. Filter them by the blurb on the back.
    Asimov and Arthur C Clarke obvs, they really are that good.
    Neal Stephenson - anyone who can begin a chapter with the words "Five thousand years later....." I'd OK in my book!

    I like Hard Sci Fi, no dragons or goblins
    Iain M Banks's culture book are fantastic. I'll check out the SF Masterworks series

  8. #158
    Grand Master snowman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David_D View Post
    I suspect for every person who does the right thing, 10 don’t.

    How do you know which is “yours”??
    No idea.

    She's the one with dogs. :)

    There was, to be fair, only the one when we came back.


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    Breitling Cosmonaute 809 - What's not to like?

  9. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsguy View Post
    Ok something I genuinely don’t get: people walking down the street with their phone held out in front of their face facing upwards, talking into the end of it, possibly while on speaker. I see it all the time. What the hell are they doing?
    Beat me to it!
    They look ludicrous and self important, quite a feat.

  10. #160
    Grand Master Wallasey Runner's Avatar
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    People who go outside to take or make a phone call when there is no need to. Fair enough if you have a house full of people, but the guy opposite me lives alone and comes out and stands in his front garden to use his phone. No signal in his house or just a total prick. Given that he also does that holding it in front of him thing I’m guessing total prick.

  11. #161
    Grand Master Mr Curta's Avatar
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    People who visually intimidate me when I'm making a phone call to my life coach from my front garden. I'm going to have to find a new safe space.
    Don't just do something, sit there. - TNH

  12. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davidd View Post
    Beat me to it!
    They look ludicrous and self important, quite a feat.
    Apprentice syndrome.

    I used to see someone do it regularly on my commute but wearing Apple headphones so the mic was on the headset anyway, very strange.

    Or the bloke the got it the wrong way around, decided to watch porn on his laptop on the train, but Bluetooth didn’t connect & it was loud enough for him to hear over the headphones, very awkward!

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  13. #163
    Grand Master RustyBin5's Avatar
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    Women tennis players - they make these freaking squeaking shrieks every shot. I even saw one today do it while feathering a drop shot.

    Freakish behavior.

  14. #164
    Grand Master Wallasey Runner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Curta View Post
    People who visually intimidate me when I'm making a phone call to my life coach from my front garden. I'm going to have to find a new safe space.
    Go down the woods and stand between all the poo bags hanging from the trees

  15. #165
    Grand Master Sinnlover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wallasey Runner View Post
    People who go outside to take or make a phone call when there is no need to. Fair enough if you have a house full of people, but the guy opposite me lives alone and comes out and stands in his front garden to use his phone. No signal in his house or just a total prick. Given that he also does that holding it in front of him thing I’m guessing total prick.
    Guilty as charged!
    I go in to my garden to make calls when WFH.
    It’s more to stretch my legs, have a change of view, get fresh air, get away from the screen.
    I don’t hold it in front of me but I am a prick.

  16. #166
    Grand Master blackal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsguy View Post
    Ok something I genuinely don’t get: people walking down the street with their phone held out in front of their face facing upwards, talking into the end of it, possibly while on speaker. I see it all the time. What the hell are they doing?
    Apparently a social development from "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" - where the viewers require to hear both sides of the puerile discussion for it to 'make sense'.

    Load of arse!

  17. #167
    Why do lesbians like women who look as much as possible like men? Not a dig but a genuine thing I don't understand. Surely being a gay girl means you fancy girls? I know a few and they assure me it's about being attracted to the femininity but their girlfriends still look like boyfriends to me??

  18. #168
    Quote Originally Posted by dougair View Post
    Referring to a football team as if you play for them…’we played really well…’ no you didn’t you were sat on your backside in front of the TV. You’re no more a part of the team than my mother in laws cat!
    I think you have to be a fan. The fans are more 'we' than the players. The players are transient, but for the fans it's a lifetime commitment.

  19. #169
    Master TKH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RustyBin5 View Post
    Women tennis players - they make these freaking squeaking shrieks every shot. I even saw one today do it while feathering a drop shot.

    Freakish behavior.
    Yep horrendous

  20. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by manganr View Post
    Surely being a gay girl means you fancy girls? I know a few and they assure me it's about being attracted to the femininity but their girlfriends still look like boyfriends to me??
    Amateur, try asking why they wear strap ons, that'll get you some interesting responses...

  21. #171
    Quote Originally Posted by Suds View Post
    Amateur, try asking why they wear strap ons, that'll get you some interesting responses...
    Yeah, I'll probably skip that question. You wouldn't mess with some of their girl/boyfriends!

  22. #172
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    People who indicate right and then left whilst going straight on at a roundabout.


  23. #173
    Grand Master RustyBin5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Filterlab View Post
    People who indicate right and then left whilst going straight on at a roundabout.

    Oh god. Started something there

  24. #174
    Grand Master snowman's Avatar
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    People who never signal...


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    Breitling Cosmonaute 809 - What's not to like?

  25. #175
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    Older retired folk who go shopping on a Saturday morning when half the employed population are doing the same.

  26. #176
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    Cars slowing down to exit a motorway junction from a mile back. Don't slow down til the slip road, it's what it's for! if you must maybe slow to the speed of lorries i.e. 55mph, if you go slower, the trucks pull out into the middle lane and that's how tailbacks start.

  27. #177
    Craftsman gshort67's Avatar
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    Cyclists !!

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  28. #178
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    Throw cushions, WTAF are they for?!!!!

  29. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mj2k View Post
    Apprentice syndrome.

    I used to see someone do it regularly on my commute but wearing Apple headphones so the mic was on the headset anyway, very strange.
    One summer several years ago, when wired headsets were still the norm, talking on the phone like that was the done thing over here among the upwardly mobile, the cool kids and reality show wannabes. There always seems to be a summer fad among these people. Sometimes it’s a piece of clothing, sometimes they all wear keys on a string around their necks. Once it was the need to carry an Evian bottle in the hand, and this in the land where tap water has less contaminants than any bottled waters.

    I can understand the need to be fashionable, but I still won’t understand stupid fads.

  30. #180
    Grand Master Dave+63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DMC102 View Post
    Sorry to go off topic but could you recommend a few of your favourite SF authors please? I like good Sci-Fi but struggle to find the wheat amongst all the chaff. TIA
    Robert Heinlein too.

  31. #181
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    Couriers and food delivery drivers who ‘park’ in the middle of the road to deliver when there’s a perfectly good space extremely close even adjacent to where they have ‘parked’

  32. #182
    Master Ruggertech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlexG View Post
    Older retired folk who go shopping on a Saturday morning when half the employed population are doing the same.
    Same thing at the council tip.

  33. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by Possu View Post
    One summer several years ago, when wired headsets were still the norm, talking on the phone like that was the done thing over here among the upwardly mobile, the cool kids and reality show wannabes. There always seems to be a summer fad among these people. Sometimes it’s a piece of clothing, sometimes they all wear keys on a string around their necks. Once it was the need to carry an Evian bottle in the hand, and this in the land where tap water has less contaminants than any bottled waters.

    I can understand the need to be fashionable, but I still won’t understand stupid fads.
    C'mon Possu, I bet you carried a boom box on your shoulder in your youth?

  34. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suds View Post
    C'mon Possu, I bet you carried a boom box on your shoulder in your youth?
    Nope. I was the kid with a leather trench coat and a sixties mix tape in my walkman (well, really a Panasonic) when hip hop was all the rage. In other words I looked and was a ludicrous prick, but I was a nonconformist.

  35. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlexG View Post
    Older retired folk who go shopping on a Saturday morning when half the employed population are doing the same.

    or the mothers/fathers who pick their kids up from school and then go to the supermarket.

    for an easier life for me and yourself, Why dont you go to the supermarket before you pick the kids up ?!

  36. #186
    People who throw litter, whether this is in McDonald's car park or the beach or anywhere else.

    In the case of McDonald's, there are bins at various points. It is mind boggling to see bags, wrappers etc casually dropped from an open window.

    Visiting Weston Super Mare recently, it was annoying to see plastic water bottles, a beer can or two and discarded masks.

    We as a family take our rubbish home if a bin cannot be located readily. It's not that difficult.

  37. #187

  38. #188
    Grand Master Foxy100's Avatar
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    SUVs. I recently spent 1,800 miles in one and couldn't understand why it had to be so far off the ground and so big in general. A weight of around 2,300kg ruined the experience of driving it fast (and it can go very fast). Even 500kg less, 18" shorter and 12" thinner and it would have been a fantastic family car. After all that driving all I could conclude was that people want them to look down on everyone else. It's certainly not beause they like driving.
    "A man of little significance"

  39. #189
    Grand Master blackal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnyv View Post
    or the mothers/fathers who pick their kids up from school and then go to the supermarket.

    for an easier life for me and yourself, Why dont you go to the supermarket before you pick the kids up ?!

    I reckon their work hours are adjusted to pick the kids up, not stop work 2hrs earlier to shop. BUT - in effect, they are eating into the kids' time, rather than their own?

  40. #190
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    Raising kids is not about making things easier for me and you. It’s about teaching them stuff, like how to behave in a supermarket, how to choose the perishables, how to calculate prices, how to wipe one’s own arse etc. I find it’s a lot easier to do when the kids are with me. Pre-covid I took my kids with me shopping whenever I had the chance. Time with kids is not all fun-fairs and parties. It’s more important to show them (not tell them) how to cope with the menial, dull everyday tasks.

  41. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowman View Post
    People who never signal...

    M Don't drive in Italy then. You get a fine if you signal, a fine if you leave more than 2m space between you and car in front. A fine if you stop for zebra crossing (some parts of Italy) and a fine if you're not using your mobile. Driving with due care and attention could end up with a prison term.

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  42. #192
    Grand Master blackal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Possu View Post
    Raising kids is not about making things easier for me and you. It’s about teaching them stuff, like how to behave in a supermarket, how to choose the perishables, how to calculate prices, how to wipe one’s own arse etc. I find it’s a lot easier to do when the kids are with me. Pre-covid I took my kids with me shopping whenever I had the chance. Time with kids is not all fun-fairs and parties. It’s more important to show them (not tell them) how to cope with the menial, dull everyday tasks.
    ................ and carry all the heavy stuff.

  43. #193
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    Why we don’t have heated toilet seats with lots of buttons like they have in Japan.

  44. #194
    On occasions you have to pick up the kids first and then do your shopping. If you do shopping first and buy a tub of ice cream, that will be a milkshake by the time you pick up kids and arrive home.

    But I think the real issue is parenting. My kids know they are expected to behave and be mindful of other people.

    We have travelled long haul on flights from when my children were only 8 months old. It was a case of ensuring the kids are fed and nappy changed. The biggest task is keeping them distracted and engaged sufficiently that they fall asleep.

    One flight, fellow passengers remarked how they were surprised that my son was quiet throughout the whole flight.

  45. #195
    Quote Originally Posted by Possu View Post
    Raising kids is not about making things easier for me and you. It’s about teaching them stuff, like how to behave in a supermarket, how to choose the perishables, how to calculate prices, how to wipe one’s own arse etc. I find it’s a lot easier to do when the kids are with me. Pre-covid I took my kids with me shopping whenever I had the chance. Time with kids is not all fun-fairs and parties. It’s more important to show them (not tell them) how to cope with the menial, dull everyday tasks.
    This is my approach too.

  46. #196
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnyv View Post
    or the mothers/fathers who pick their kids up from school and then go to the supermarket.

    for an easier life for me and yourself, Why dont you go to the supermarket before you pick the kids up ?!
    Maybe they have a job ?

  47. #197
    Master TKH's Avatar
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    Why my current insurer (car, house etc) …send me a renewal quote 20% up on last years price despite my 30th consecutive claim free year…forcing me to shop around only to find a quote lower than my expiring premium…and when I inform them i am leaving them they subsequently offer to match the quote to stay with them….

  48. #198
    Quote Originally Posted by Possu View Post
    Raising kids is not about making things easier for me and you. It’s about teaching them stuff, like how to behave in a supermarket, how to choose the perishables, how to calculate prices, how to wipe one’s own arse etc. I find it’s a lot easier to do when the kids are with me. Pre-covid I took my kids with me shopping whenever I had the chance. Time with kids is not all fun-fairs and parties. It’s more important to show them (not tell them) how to cope with the menial, dull everyday tasks.
    Can you add not touching everything in the shop, not picking their nose then touching everything in the shop, not slouching along the shelves as they move from aisle to aisle touching everything in the shop.


  49. #199
    Quote Originally Posted by MrSmith View Post
    Can you add not touching everything in the shop, not picking their nose then touching everything in the shop, not slouching along the shelves as they move from aisle to aisle touching everything in the shop.

    Surely that applies for adults as much as it does for children

  50. #200
    Grand Master wileeeeeey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foxy100 View Post
    SUVs. I recently spent 1,800 miles in one and couldn't understand why it had to be so far off the ground and so big in general. A weight of around 2,300kg ruined the experience of driving it fast (and it can go very fast). Even 500kg less, 18" shorter and 12" thinner and it would have been a fantastic family car. After all that driving all I could conclude was that people want them to look down on everyone else. It's certainly not beause they like driving.
    I can't wait to get out of a crossover/SUV and into an estate. The current car was her choice, this next will be mine.

    She had a crash before and her legs were quite cut and bruised. Since then she's wanted to be as high up as possible. Thinks the same crash again would mean the other car's bonnet would go under her rather than into her. Not true of course but good luck winning that argument.

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