Just a bit of self reflection and curious on the thoughts of others.

I’ve always been quite particular with looking after my stuff and like things to be well looked after and in best condition. This is a theme that follows through my life and across all types of things from watches to wooden floors and everything in between.

Anyway, I recently bought a nice car. Nothing amazing but the best car I’ve ever owned. When I leave it I worry about damage, people or kids scraping along it or whatever. I feel compelled to park it out of harms way, keep an eye it. It just doesn’t feel healthy.

So it got me thinking. Is this a wealth thing? in other words is it because I know what it would cost me to sort the damage and I don’t want that or perhaps because the purchase price was more than I normally spend? Or is it something more than that - is it just because I care about stuff and that wouldn’t change irrespective of relative value/bank balance?

I don’t know, what are your thoughts? I can rationalise it and know it’s just stuff and if it gets used it won’t stay new and in the scheme of things and life it really doesn’t matter a bit. But despite knowing that I still worry. Are people who care about such things people who care no matter what, or does this change with age, wealth, therapy, or other factors?