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Thread: Eczema

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    It would seem I have grown into it(drat). Under My armpit and spreading round My back.Im a long way from getting a doctors appointment.Any sufferers on here? What do You apply please?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    It’s not eczema, it’s a fungal infection. Try daktacort.
    Last edited by ach5; 13th January 2021 at 19:17. Reason: Gramma ‘n’ spellin

  3. #3
    Grand Master wileeeeeey's Avatar
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    Centraben. I've had loads of creams and this is the best by miles.

  4. #4
    Master beechcustom's Avatar
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    I suffer from it very intermittently. When it's bad only prescription only hydrocortisone cream really does the job. The next best over the counter option is cetraben cream imo. Available in Boots etc

  5. #5
    Master blackal's Avatar
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    Possibly psoriasis - which can be obstinate.

    There are various degrees of harsh treatments for psoriasis, and generally a dermatologist will start you off with the less harmful ones.

    BUT - psoriasis is an imbalance in your immune system (overactive), so right now, with covid prevalent - I would avoid any treatments which lower your immunity.

  6. #6
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    Can be triggered by stress (mine is) or dairy I think. My daughter suffers slightly in damp conditions e.g. rainy weather when there hasn't been sun for a few days.

  7. #7
    Grand Master wileeeeeey's Avatar
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    It really can be anything. For the last four years I've been at the doctors way too much with skin issues and was referred to a specialist consultant. I even went private. I was diagnosed with eczema via NHS and Psoriasis via private. Neither could agree what it was. They thought it might be stress related or even anxiety from motorbike accidents.

    I haven't been to the doctor since lockdown #1 but since then I cut a few things out of my diet and reintroduced them one at a time to see if it was diet related. I'm fine until I eat chocolate after which my skin all over is itching, red everywhere, swollen patches which look like a map of the world in red, and it lasts for days. It never happens immediately and is worse when I wake up in the morning but that's chocolate gone for me, I must be allergic now. Really annoying, but at least it wasn't coffee or chilli sauce!

    I hope you find out what's causing yours but as I said in an earlier post Centraben is very good for dry, itchy skin.

  8. #8
    If it’s eczema - I’d recommend cold showers/ice baths. I don’t know why it works, but my gf suffers during winter when it’s all damp and since she does ice baths - it’s gone. Once a week works a treat.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    I have suffered for over 30 years and it changes to different parts of the body each year when winter comes.

    I stoped using any steroid creams, but use chunkling goat every night, i highly recoemd it.


  10. #10
    Master beechcustom's Avatar
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    Mine's definitely mostly stress related and was on my fingers. When I left a job I hated and became self employed it all but disappeared. If I do get it nowadays it's very mild and always during winter.

  11. #11
    My daughter suffered from it for years. We tried all the standard creams/medications. Nothing worked for long, if at all.

    One day, while picking up a prescription my wife got talking to the chemist who recommended talking long baths with a nylon stocking filled with porridge oats. We were desperate and tried it. After the first bath my daughter said it seemed to help and have a soothing effect. After a few weeks her eczema cleared up for the first time in years.

    She very occasionally will have a little outbreak, most recently on her wrist, but one or two treaments and it clears up for a good six months, or so. It really has made a huge difference to her.

  12. #12
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    I’ve successfully used a Chinese herbal cream before but don’t ask me what it was!!

  13. #13
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    I’m no fan of pyramid selling schemes, but the Forever Living Aloe drink works really well. Over priced and if you find someone selling it they will hound you into more purchases, but it works.

  14. #14
    Grand Master hogthrob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cavham View Post
    chunkling goat
    Say what?

  15. #15
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    Soothing with olive or rapeseed oil really helps my daughter.

    Sent from my POT-LX1 using TZ-UK mobile app

  16. #16
    I have read Child’s Farm moisturiser is very good for adult skin conditions and is readily available.

  17. #17
    Craftsman Kevin's Avatar
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    A basic emolliant can't do any harm for a skin condition
    E45 is as good a place as any to start, cheap and easily avaiable.
    If it doesn't improve fairly quickly see a doctor as these things have a habit of spreading and becoming harder to treat.
    You also don't want it to become infected

    Speak to a doctor, you may get a video consultation

    At least you will get a diagnosis, there have been three on this thread and no one has seen it!

    I have had skin issues for many years, at one point a consultant was going to hospitalise me, I have been on some very strong immnosuppressant drugs atopical steroids, and also received light therapy as an out patient. There are many factors, mine got worse at times of stress through work or personal issues, allergy tests were helpful.
    It is a bit of a dark art and you need to find what works for you.
    Right now I am totally clear of eczema and have found ways of managing it when I do get a flare up.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by wileeeeeey View Post
    Centraben. I've had loads of creams and this is the best by miles.
    I will echo this.

    Always had bad skin and last year i had a nasty breakout of very dry, flakey and cracking skin. Not one for going to the doctors I tried al sorts of remedies and solutions including trying to find the cause. Washing powder, feather pillows, food but could not find out the cause or elevate the condition.

    Bit the bullet and went to the Drs, she told me to stop using all the fancy creams I had purchased, inc E45 and many others and prescribed cetraben along with some antihistamines.

    Within a week it was gone, now I use Cetraben exclusively and not had another flare since, touch wood.


    ..... for I have become the Jedi of flippers

    " an extravagance is anything you buy that is of no earthly use to your wife "

  19. #19
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    Best thing I have tried is Double Base, comes in a pump action bottle and just seems to do the job.

  20. #20
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    I’ve suffered with this all of my life so can fully sympathise. Without a doubt stress is the number one trigger and over the past year my skin has been worse than it’s been for 20 years.
    That being said there are a few steps you can take to help; using unscented soap or body wash seems to help me more than anything but also restrict food like wheat and dairy and finding a cream that works will all help.
    I’ve tried E45 and Doublebase but found them very greasy, I’m currently using Aveno which seems to be working - when I need a boost a Steroid cream like Eumovate works well.

    That being said everyone is different so well worth speaking to a GP but these steps definitely help me.

  21. #21

  22. #22
    Been a sufferer for decades, nothing much really works. Then I discovered CBD cream. As an experiment bought the basic Holland & Barrett Jacob Hooy CBD Cream. Within 24 hours it seemed to settle down and provided I use a small amount every day it stays like that.

    Am tempted to buy a 'better' more expensive cream when this tube finally runs out, tho doubt it will be an improvement

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by markbannister View Post
    I’ve successfully used a Chinese herbal cream before but don’t ask me what it was!!
    I stock one which works well, however it is in a small pot, so i would say ok for small areas that flare up. Aveeno cream works well for some (colloidal oatmeal is one of the ingredients) and is widely available.

    The foaming agent in shampoo and shower gel can aggravate it, so try to get ones without sodium lauryl sulphate in (jasons is a good brand and good value).

    If it has only recently become worse, ask yourself what has changed. Sometimes switching washing powders etc can be enough to trigger a flare up. Sometimes there is an emotional trigger.

    I once treated a man that was covered in eczema. Started exactly a year after his daughters death. I managed to get rid of it completely after 3 months, but then it slowly started to creep back in, till he was covered again. At this point i conceded defeat. He rang 18 months later to say it was now all gone. “How?” I asked. Said he had been seeing a homeopath. I confess to being very surprised. Anyway, still ok to present date, so i include this anecdote it case it is of help

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
    allergy tests were helpful. It is a bit of a dark art and you need to find what works for you.
    Can I ask if the allergy testing was via the GP or something you arranged yourself?

  25. #25
    Grand Master sundial's Avatar
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    Try BOOTS Derma Care 1% w/w Cream ... contains hydrocortisone so should not be used if allergic to same. Available at Boots without a prescription.

    Use for 7 days max. and read leaflet thoroughly
    "Well they would say that ... wouldn't they!"

  26. #26
    Craftsman Kevin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pretzel View Post
    Can I ask if the allergy testing was via the GP or something you arranged yourself?
    It was many years ago and arranged by a hospital consultant dermatoligist (NHS)
    They did a patch test on my back

    Apart from the relatively normal stuff like dust mites I was allergic to Potassium Di-Chromate (used to tan leeather) and nickel.

    I still can't wear leather watch straps
    Last edited by Kevin; 14th January 2021 at 20:54.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by ach5 View Post
    It’s not eczema, it’s a fungal infection. Try daktacort.
    Given location (warm, sweaty underarms) it is 99% sure to be this and not eczema. GP will likely say it is eczema but it isnt and treatment is different. I learnt this from a number of GP visit and eventually visiting a dermatologist who really knew her stuff.

    Alternate daily between a cream for the fungal infection (something like nizoral in a cream) and a steroid cream (hydrocortisone) to help the skin redevelop/heal faster and you will see over 8 weeks or so it will disappear or largely go and then eventually disappear (unlike if you use a steroid cream only where it will still stay red). One area I had went completely another is coming back but much smaller each time. I repeat treatment and it takes more time before it come back and get smaller each time again, so I expect it will fully go like the other are before long. Just need to fully get rid of the infection.

    All the above is from experience ! For many years what I had was incorrectly mis diagnosed as eczema. Steroid cream will reduce the inflammation/itching etc but this just smooth over the problem, but does not treat/fix the underlying issue. The issue is actually a fungal infection hence you need the right solution otherwise the issue goes on forever which a lot of people will mention....
    Last edited by JP28; 14th January 2021 at 21:37.

  28. #28
    I've tried many different moisturising creams/lotions and by far the best is CeraVe - give it a try.

  29. #29
    Craftsman ajdh's Avatar
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    I'm a recent sufferer. Mine is caused by years working in Saudi Arabia and not using a suitable moisturiser. It was so bad that I went private and was subscribed a steroid cream for the attacks and QV cream to use daily. There's no cure but there are support groups that might help.

  30. #30
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    My friend tried lots of lotions and potions, but found the Hemp cream from Body shop made a big difference.

    Good luck with a solution.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by JP28 View Post
    Given location (warm, sweaty underarms) it is 99% sure to be this and not eczema. GP will likely say it is eczema but it isnt and treatment is different. I learnt this from a number of GP visit and eventually visiting a dermatologist who really knew her stuff.

    Alternate daily between a cream for the fungal infection (something like nizoral in a cream) and a steroid cream (hydrocortisone) to help the skin redevelop/heal faster and you will see over 8 weeks or so it will disappear or largely go and then eventually disappear (unlike if you use a steroid cream only where it will still stay red). One area I had went completely another is coming back but much smaller each time. I repeat treatment and it takes more time before it come back and get smaller each time again, so I expect it will fully go like the other are before long. Just need to fully get rid of the infection.

    All the above is from experience ! For many years what I had was incorrectly mis diagnosed as eczema. Steroid cream will reduce the inflammation/itching etc but this just smooth over the problem, but does not treat/fix the underlying issue. The issue is actually a fungal infection hence you need the right solution otherwise the issue goes on forever which a lot of people will mention....
    I had a stubborn patch around my nose for months.. treated it with all sorts of creams for eczema to no avail. Turned out to be fungal and cleared up with Daktarin v.quickly.

  32. #32
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    No idea if eczema or psoriasis, never really got a doctor to properly diagnose it. Originally appeared when under a stupid amount of stress at work & my boss threw me under the bus, broke out all over my body, face, eye lids, chest, back, legs etc.

    Now down to one 5p sized piece on the back of my head & both my knees which look raw the whole time. Been using all sorts of stuff from Rx calcipotriol ointment through to the baby stuff mentioned above & everything inbetween. Even my own UV treatment device doesn’t seem to help.

    Dry January has seen them reduce significantly, so am now wondering if alcohol related. Hoping not, as do enjoy a drink & hate to have to offset one with the other ongoing.

    If I can’t get better than the knees being there, I’m just glad it’s a massive improvement vs my whole body being covered. Weird how our bodies can just react to things.

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  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by ach5 View Post
    It’s not eczema, it’s a fungal infection. Try daktacort.
    I was prescribed this, use for two days then none for three, started as an itch down my spine made worse by hot(ish) showers, the itch has spread to my arms and legs in the last year but unable to see a doctor, normal shower now completed by the water temp going down to cold helps and a simple type of shower gel.
    Daktacort cream needs to be stored in the fridge btw.

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