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Thread: Another Hereford assault and stabbing 17 October

  1. #1
    Grand Master sundial's Avatar
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    Another Hereford assault and stabbing 17 October

    Posting on behalf of a friend in Hereford ... if anyone has any information please contact the police ... Thugs deserve to be apprehended and prosecuted with full force of the law ... 15 thugs and one victim with horrific injuries ... victim's family devastated.

    Looking for witnesses!
    My son was badly assaulted last night ( Saturday 17th) outside Santander bank in high town Hereford. He was walking home with his girlfriend and some friends when about 12-15 boys aged between 16-18 ( you know the ones who hang around town because they can’t get into pubs) confronted my son and his friends, started pushing him and then beat him. They smashed his head into the window of the bank then as he fell to the floor kicked him repeatedly in the head. He is currently in hospital with a bleed on the brain, broken bones, broken jaw and a suspected stab wound to the back of the head. He is a hard working 21 year old who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Because of covid we could not travel in the ambulance or go into the hospital with him. This assault took place about 21:30. There was a group of boys hanging around by the Hereford Bull. We have got some witnesses and a few names ( a couple being repeated more than once) The police arrested 2 at the scene and are looking at cctv. If you witnessed the assault or in fact were with this group but didn’t participate in the assault then please do the right thing. My son is alone in hospital with horrific injuries because he didn’t fight back! That’s just not what he does.


    "Well they would say that ... wouldn't they!"

  2. #2
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    What a horrible thing to read.
    Hope they get caught.

  3. #3
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    A shocking attack. Hope they can catch the scum and bring them to justice. Hope too the lad is OK and recovers well. It's becoming a problem in a lot of town centres.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Sadly this is happening all over the UK very regularly, the Government brush it all under the carpet

  6. #6
    Grand Master Sinnlover's Avatar
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    This is awful to read.
    I hope the lad makes a full recovery and the book is thrown at the perpetrators. any group that would do this sort of thing area shameful bunch of cowards.

  7. #7
    Master Lammylee's Avatar
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    The problem now is that due to reduced Police resources there is no nipping bad behaviour in the bud like in the past.

    The scrotes are left to escalate this behaviour without consequence until someone is seriously hurt or killed.

    I hope that your friends son makes a full recovery and the scrotes serve a large amount of time behind bars.

  8. #8
    Sorry to hear this and I hope that all the perpetrators are brought to justice.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by xellos99 View Post
    Sadly this is happening all over the UK very regularly, the Government brush it all under the carpet
    Not sure what you mean when you say “... the Government brush it all under the carpet.” The police are investigating, arrests have been made and it’s likely that more will follow. Those who have already been arrested will likely incriminate others who were also involved. Witnesses will come forward as they’ll think one of their loved ones could just as easily have been the victim. The local media has placed the incident in the spotlight. Plenty of resources are being thrown into the investigation.

  10. #10
    Grand Master RustyBin5's Avatar
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    Total scum. The word feral springs to mind

  11. #11
    Grand Master oldoakknives's Avatar
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    So sad that young people commit this kind of attack with no thought or feeling for their victims. It can only be as a result of their upbringing IMO.

    Sincerely hope the lad recovers from his injuries with no lasting damage. Also hope those responsible get their just desserts.
    Started out with nothing. Still have most of it left.

  12. #12
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    Working in a school I think things are going to be worse in 10 years. No one seems to be held responsible for their actions, parents or children. Pupils are seeing a school system where there aren’t any consequences and this in their formative years. It’s no wonder they do this once they’ve left.

    It makes me so angry, I believe everyone who was involved had a choice and they chose to do that.

    I really hope all works out well!

  13. #13
    Grand Master thieuster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rodder View Post
    Working in a school I think things are going to be worse in 10 years. No one seems to be held responsible for their actions, parents or children. Pupils are seeing a school system where there aren’t any consequences and this in their formative years. It’s no wonder they do this once they’ve left.

    It makes me so angry, I believe everyone who was involved had a choice and they chose to do that.

    I really hope all works out well!
    (Bold by me) At the risk of sounding like an old man: I'm afraid you're right. Especially the last few years, things have gone bad. Why? Because a lot of parents don't care and/or even 'support' their child. At my school, we run a tight (strict) ship. That's part of my job description at school. And we're doing fine. It makes me proud that kids come over and tell me that they feel comfortable at school. But when things go bad, I get a lot of flak from certain parents! A weapon these days is social media. Extortion, blackmailing, harming or 'grooming'.

    An example? Some kids are exposing themselves nude on pics or videos and they send it to a friend. Some voluntarily, some are challenged etc. You can imagine what happens next. But... when you have it on your phone as a receiver, then you have child porn on your phone. Simple.

    I was given a name of a girl(!) with that sort material on her phone. We (a female colleague and I) asked her about it, with my phone on recording, making sure that we had all the details. The girl admitted without a struggle. My female colleague saw the video - I didn't. Next step to confiscate the phone and call the police. She handed the phone to me without a struggle or complaint when I asked her to do so (recorded!). The plain cloths cops arrived and a female cop watched the video. They took the girl and called her parents on the police station. All done by the official book.

    According to the cops, there are websites paying money for videos of underaged boys and girls. The person who uploads the video gets money. There are even stages of 'explicitness': the more you see, the more you (the uploader) gets. That's why all sorts of scumbags try to lure boys and girls into making videos. Mind you, about 30% of the uploads are done by girls who want to harm their former BFF! Social media in the hands of certain girls are a weapon!

    I have now received several emails from her father starting with 'unprofessional', then: 'I want to know the name of the kid who ratted-out my girl, up to 'I'm coming over and it will not be a pleasant conversation!' I suppose that when he had more money he would send a lawyer. Then there's the bunch of parents unaware what happens on social media. They have no idea. Or they have no compassion for the victim. As in: "He own fault, she shouldn't be so stupid!" I guess that certain Hereford 'parents' will say something like: "His own fault, he shouldn't be out there at night!"

    With this generation growing up and having children of their own, I'm afraid that in 10 yrs time, things will not have improved.

    Last edited by thieuster; 20th October 2020 at 07:31.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rodder View Post
    Working in a school I think things are going to be worse in 10 years. No one seems to be held responsible for their actions, parents or children. Pupils are seeing a school system where there aren’t any consequences and this in their formative years. It’s no wonder they do this once they’ve left.
    I hear this a lot from teachers. Why do so many headteachers think that allowing children to do as they please prepares them for life as useful members of society?

    They need to start making the parents of under 18s criminally responsible for they scum children.

  15. #15
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Parenting has a lot to do with it Many fathers are not role models now and as long as the kids are out there house it's fine by them. No discipline!
    Video games are violent and realistic.
    TV violence is more prolific and social media is not a good thing for kids to be on. All these things don't help.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by David_D View Post
    I hear this a lot from teachers. Why do so many headteachers think that allowing children to do as they please prepares them for life as useful members of society?

    They need to start making the parents of under 18s criminally responsible for they scum children.
    I assume headteachers generally DON'T think this, and I don't think it is within their power to make parents 'criminally responsible' either. Why not focus on the children themselves or the parents?

    It sounds a horrific case and I hope the young man recovers fully.

  17. #17
    Grand Master TaketheCannoli's Avatar
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    I watch one of those cop shows that's based in Hereford and the CCTV coverage is excellent in the town centre so hopefully they'll get their collars felt and face justice. It's all too common these days and is sickening. I hope the lad makes a full recovery with no impact on the rest of his life either physically or psychologically.

  18. #18
    Grand Master TaketheCannoli's Avatar
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    I agree with all of that and you also need to add in the pathetic sentences they get. A community order? Ooh, I don't want one of those. FFS.

    The biggest change I've seen is in sentences for assaulting a Police Officer. In my day (I know, I sound ancient) the very last person you would even consider laying hands on was an officer of the law. Now they get a community order or a warning. Where's the deterrent? It all starts with the parents. Or doesn't as the case may be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rodder View Post
    Working in a school I think things are going to be worse in 10 years. No one seems to be held responsible for their actions, parents or children. Pupils are seeing a school system where there aren’t any consequences and this in their formative years. It’s no wonder they do this once they’ve left.

    It makes me so angry, I believe everyone who was involved had a choice and they chose to do that.

    I really hope all works out well!

  19. #19
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    Best wishes to your son for a speedy recovery but even if the catch all the scum involved and get them to court I doubt the punishment will be fitting, the perpetrators and their parents should suffer big time, until then I feel this thing will continue to happen, out of sight ,out of mind? Sterilise the little cnuts so they cannot inflict any more like themselves on society.
    Last edited by Pitfitter; 20th October 2020 at 19:20.

  20. #20
    Grand Master snowman's Avatar
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    You probably want to edit that before you find that justice is swift here...

    Breitling Cosmonaute 809 - What's not to like?

  21. #21
    Wishing your son a speedy recovery and hopefully the scum will be brought to justice quickly.

    It always amazes me how quick they are released, I wonder if they all get together then to sort there story out.

    were arrested on suspicion of assault and have been released on police bail.

  22. #22
    Grand Master oldoakknives's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rod View Post
    Parenting has a lot to do with it Many fathers are not role models now and as long as the kids are out there house it's fine by them. No discipline!
    Video games are violent and realistic.
    TV violence is more prolific and social media is not a good thing for kids to be on. All these things don't help.

    And when I was a kid (yeah, yeah.... I know back in Victorian times!) if you were being a nuisance, as kids often are, and someone told your parents then you would probably have got a clip around the ear and been told not do it again.

    Fast forward to today, and god forbid you tell parents their little sunbeam is doing something out of order. Unless you fancy having a fight with them that is. At the very least you will get a 'can you prove it was him/her....what evidence have you got...blah blah.

    Basically, don't expect the parents of these kids to act any better than they do. And class or wealth, or lack of, doesn’t seem to make any difference.
    Last edited by oldoakknives; 20th October 2020 at 18:02.

  23. #23
    A very sad and upsetting story to read. Unfortunately in the U.K. we hear of more and more stories like this. These people don’t need locking up, they they need a proper beating themselves. People like that won’t ever contribute to society, they are better off used as shark bait, or they will breed more and more of these little scumbags and the U.K. will be even more overrun with these scum.

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  24. #24
    Grand Master thieuster's Avatar
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    My colleagues and I oversee 2700 pupils between 12 and 18 y/o on three locations. Less than 2% causes trouble one way or the the other. The locations are situated in three different parts of town (pop 155K) and two are in a 'very well-to-do area' You'll be amazed (or not) to find read here that social class has nothing to do with annoying parents. Where 'my' parents come knocking themselves, have the other locations lawyers etc on the doorstep telling the school how to address their client's children... In every walk of life, parents think that their sunshine can do no wrong.


  25. #25
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    One of the lads I served with when we were young and daft, was punched without warning a couple of years after he demobbed, jaw broke but badly hit the pavement. He was 27 with a 5 year old son, and was left with such a traumatic brain injury his family were told he wouldn't survive. He did pull through, but can't walk, drive or live without help 11 years later. No one was ever convicted to my knowledge.

    Looking at the hereford article posted above, with the ages of the twats involved and the charge of assault, i can't see there being any meaningful justice. Hope the young lad pulls through without any lasting issues.

  26. #26
    Master jukeboxs's Avatar
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    This makes me so angry. An eye for an eye, or just find another island where they live amongst their own.

  27. #27
    12-15 boys vs 1 and they probably thought they were being well 'ard. Pathetic.

    I hope the victim makes a full physical and mental recovery.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_B View Post
    One of the lads I served with when we were young and daft, was punched without warning a couple of years after he demobbed, jaw broke but badly hit the pavement. He was 27 with a 5 year old son, and was left with such a traumatic brain injury his family were told he wouldn't survive. He did pull through, but can't walk, drive or live without help 11 years later. No one was ever convicted to my knowledge.

    Looking at the hereford article posted above, with the ages of the twats involved and the charge of assault, i can't see there being any meaningful justice. Hope the young lad pulls through without any lasting issues.
    A similar story I know of except the culprit was arrested and sentenced to prison. The victim fell after being sucker punched, hit his head and sadly died.

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  29. #29
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    Very sad. Hereford was my home town growing up.

    Hopefully the victim will at least receive what he would be entitled to under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme.

    Sent from my SM-A202F using TZ-UK mobile app

  30. #30
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Maybe these thugs should get a taste of this, Singapore style...

  31. #31
    Grand Master RustyBin5's Avatar
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    Or the birch - Manx style

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by RustyBin5 View Post
    Or the birch - Manx style
    It ceased over there decades ago.

    Ignorance breeds Fear. Fear breeds Hatred. Hatred breeds Ignorance. Break the chain.

  33. #33
    Grand Master RustyBin5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralphy View Post
    It ceased over there decades ago.

    I know. It remains a nice idea that these younglings could yet learn from it

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Saw this today very sad! Remember watching the episode it was very moving.
    Last edited by golf; 21st October 2020 at 19:53.

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