So chaps,

I am curious. Are there many people here who have much of a mindfulness and meditation practice?

Over the last few years I have dabbled in and out and always found it useful, but I guess on quite a superficial level. On the back of quite a recent and quite a crippling stretch of anxiety and worry (both situational and multiplied by my own negative thinking) I am doubling down on it and making it a priority. Doing some reading around Buddhism along with listening to a few podcasts to get the "feel" and also reading Eckhart Tolle's book, The Power of Now (about half way through).

The language of Tolle's book is quite... woo-woo(?)... but if you can see past the new-age sort of language it is quite an eloquent and valuable book. Part of the trouble is, I think, that the mindfulness and "wellness" industry as a whole has become a bit of a monster. Many people online peddling quick fixes and "life hacks" which clearly don't work when taken with such an approach. The image of wealthy millennials touting mindfulness etc is a bit sickening (I am a millennial myself! Although not wealthy) and really detracts from it's roots.

One thing I used to assume is that the whole process is quite meek and passive and would just lead you to accepting crap thrown at you as opposed to trying to change it. I actually think, for people that do struggle with their mental health, the opposite is true. Not identifying with your thoughts seems to free you to act to bring about change if it is needed. But accepting things if actually they cannot be changed.

Anyway, both as a doctor and as a person interested in making this a central part of their life I would be very interested in hearing of anyone's experiences, don't be shy (maybe a PM if not wanting the stigma attached?)! Or indeed would also be interested in how people feel it is a load of old tosh for the middle classes.
