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Thread: Sciatica

  1. #1
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    I've lived with a lot of pain over the years...but man sciatica is brutal. I play far to much golf (for an above knee amputee) 27 holes Friday, 18 again on Saturday but the sciatica I am getting has put me onto crutches. I work with a physio who I'm going to see later today. I've looked at exercises on u tube. and have taken far to much ibuprofen. Has anyone other tips for relieving this rotten pain please?

  2. #2
    Master blackie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wildheart View Post
    I've lived with a lot of pain over the years...but man sciatica is brutal. I play far to much golf (for an above knee amputee) 27 holes Friday, 18 again on Saturday but the sciatica I am getting has put me onto crutches. I work with a physio who I'm going to see later today. I've looked at exercises on u tube. and have taken far to much ibuprofen. Has anyone other tips for relieving this rotten pain please?
    Its done my head in since I went bouncing down the road in Scotland a few years ago.
    I agree no pain like it, can't get comfy and even wakes you from sleep.
    Not even mid 50 yet and I fear will only get worse.

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  3. #3
    Master blackie's Avatar
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    One tip is keep moving, it hurts like hell but not as much as sitting down all the time. I lost a bit of weight as well which has helped with less stress on the body.
    The cross trainer is a good machine as it helps the joints.
    Yoga and stretching also helps a lot

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  4. #4
    medication wise ask your GP for some naproxen (if your stomach has no problems with anti inflammatories )

  5. #5
    Master blackie's Avatar
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    I've found sometimes no medication works. Even tramadol and wine.

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  6. #6
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    Those TENS machines work but the only thing that gets rid is a couple of sessions with a good osteopath. Best of luck, it's no fun!

  7. #7
    I have also suffered from this over the past month or so and agree the pain is terrible. I have had trouble sleeping, getting in and out of bed and the pain is always far worse in the early morning until around midday.

    Had my first visit to a physio yesterday which seemed to relief it slightly but its back normal this morning although not quite as bad as prior seeing the physio. I have another physio session booked for Tuesday so hoping that helps.

    In terms of relief I have been taking co-codamol and found light stretching exercises help and slow walking both of which are painful but I do feel the benefit.
    Last edited by boring_sandwich; 7th September 2020 at 11:20.

  8. #8
    Grand Master Saint-Just's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wildheart View Post
    The Shire? Playing there on Thursday??
    You really shouldn't. It would be better to slow down and get a physio/osteopath to take care of you so you can play again, rather than risk being unable to play for a much longer time.

    If the osteopath tells you you can play if you can endure the pain, crack on. But wait to hear what he has to say.
    'Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain' - Schiller.

  9. #9
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    You can ease a lot of it by doing the right stretches regularly. Much of time it is a muscle spasm that locks on the nerve that needs releasing. Particularly make sure your core is sorted. But it depends what is actually causing the issue. I managed the occasional bout myself until I got a slipped disk that was pushing on it. After 9 months of nagging agony it was fixed by an operation. This guy seems to have some good results judging by the comments and I have tried them myself and you can feel the effects in the right place

    Doing the various Piriformis exercises you can find should help. Also using a foam roller or the lacrosse ball for deep massage. But don't do something that makes it worse if the cause is not muscular.

  10. #10
    I don't have sciatica but I do have a spine condition. This works for me and should help you anyway - you need to try and make sure your core is strong, you're not carrying excess weight on your stomach and that your glutes are strong and firing. Activating the glutes with exercises means that the hamstrings don't compensate and pull the spine closer, thereby causing back problems. It also causes the hamstrings to relax and lengthen, thereby releasing the spine. If you do activation exercises (not stretching) for the glutes and posterior chain like hip thrusts this might help.

  11. #11
    Master RLE's Avatar
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    I used to suffer with it severely in my twenties and thirties. Never forget having to roll out of the car in a multi storey car park and on to the floor as I simply couldn’t get out. Was amusing for the onlookers but sheer agony.

    A few weeks later I was scheduled for an unrelated operation and as I walked in to the waiting area the surgeon caught sight of my hobbling and commented that he’d do his best to get me sorted as it was clearly having an effect on my life. He was shocked when I told him it was sciatica that was the issue and not what I was there for.

    I got in to cycling back in 2014. Initially was a hindrance but slowly eased to the point that I rarely suffer at all these days. In fact it used to ease my attacks. It certainly seems to have helped where physio sessions didn’t seem to do me any good. Occasionally get the odd day but it usually follows some form of heavy contorted lifting.

    Best of luck with finding a solution that works for you. Unless you have had it people don’t really tend to appreciate just how painful it can be.

  12. #12
    used to suffer from it (after an old football injury) it still flares up now and again - taking up cycling helped
    for pain management the ibuprofen and occasional voltarol slow release gave me an ulcer that got infected... (was popping them like smarties)

    try canabis oil for pain management and do pilates/yoga stretches.

    good luck

    recently I'm getting pudendal neuralgia from the cycling and possible working from home stint and lack of movement... grrr

  13. #13
    Grand Master hogthrob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackie View Post
    I've found sometimes no medication works. Even tramadol and wine.
    This is probably the point where you forget pre-conceptions, and give CBD a try.

  14. #14
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    Sorry to hear this.

    I can only describe it as 24 hour toothache.

    It went away in 1982 after spinal fusion but reappeared in 2003. A Microdiscectomy operation in 2004 cured it again.

    I also believe that cycling helps.

    Whatever you do don't swim breast stroke.

    I wish you the very best.


  15. #15
    Master blackie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hogthrob View Post
    This is probably the point where you forget pre-conceptions, and give CBD a try.
    I have some CBD oil and cream but need to start on it again as its been ok for ages but has flared up again. Got no sleep last night and twitching and dancing about again today trying to ease the constant ache down the left leg with the occasional dart down the right

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  16. #16
    Physio sorted me out and then Pilates. Pilates is brilliant at maintaining good core strength and protecting your back.

  17. #17
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saint-Just View Post
    You really shouldn't. It would be better to slow down and get a physio/osteopath to take care of you so you can play again, rather than risk being unable to play for a much longer time.

    If the osteopath tells you you can play if you can endure the pain, crack on. But wait to hear what he has to say.
    I did run it past the physio, he was not overly keen especially as I'm playing Saturday and at Celtic Manor next week. I always use a buggy and will take it very easy. Had these golf days booked for months. But he's seeing me again Friday/Monday so we will be trying to manage it. Some good stretches proposed by my physio. He's asked me to send him photos and write a pain diary. He wants me up every 15 minutes.

  18. #18
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpjsavage View Post
    Physio sorted me out and then Pilates. Pilates is brilliant at maintaining good core strength and protecting your back.
    Due to Covid I stopped my gym work which is probably why its started. I need to get back in the gym ASAP. I did Pilates for a year or so, need to start that again also.

  19. #19
    Grand Master blackal's Avatar
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    I get it occasionally, but try and avoid painkillers - as they allow you to push past where your body is trying to stop.

    Anti-inflamitories to reduce the nerve inflamation, and get the right excercise (which might not be 27 holes of golf, or golf at all).

    Try different postures in bed. I find that laying flat face down with two pillows under one shoulder and head on the bed - seems to twist/stretch my back overnight, and alleviate any continued inflamation.

  20. #20
    Craftsman leo1790's Avatar
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    I suffer with lower back pain and its horrible when you're collapsed on the floor on the verge of tears. Tried osteopath, physio and chiropractor but didn't have any joy from either.
    I've got in the routine of doing 10 minutes of stretches, press ups and 1 minute plank every morning and evening and I haven't had a flare up since. I still have the constant dull pain but that I can live with.
    A little bird told me RSO oil is better than CBD oil, plus it has the added benefit of making you feel quite nice, but I wouldn't know about that.

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  21. #21
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    Have you tried a chiropractor? Not physio or osteo but a good Chiro? Sciatica is the most common thing they treat and non invasive and usually no drugs.

    I can only go by my experience but that would be my first port of call. Drugs can reduce swelling on the nerve but won't fix the problem. Surgery is very much a last resort.

    Well worth looking for a recommended practitioner local to you.

    Good luck with the golf, I'm suffering with Planta Fasciitis (policeman's foot!) and that's a b**ch and 18 holes kills me too.

  22. #22
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    After an L5 injury and as a cyclist I’ve found 2 simple things which help keep the Sciatica at bay.

    Lay on the floor on your front, arms by your side for 10 mins. Try to relax and you’ll feel your lower spine gently drop into the stomach cavity while your Upper spine is supported by your rib cage. This is called achieving lordosis.
    Be careful getting up. Push with your arms to get up on all fours first and support yourself as you then straighten up to being just on your knees, then up to the standing position.

    The other is even simpler. Roll a towel or fold a cushion and put it behind your lower back as you sit down.
    I do this all the time now and enjoy the feeling as my back stretches. It’s a bit like the pain/pleasure feeling of poking a bruise!

    You have my sympathy. Sciatica is a bitch.

  23. #23
    Master pacifichrono's Avatar
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    I've suffered from lower back pain for over 50 years and tried almost everything. One device I've been thinking about lately is the Teeter Inversion Table.

    Anyone tried it, or something like it?

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by leo1790 View Post
    I suffer with lower back pain and its horrible when you're collapsed on the floor on the verge of tears. Tried osteopath, physio and chiropractor but didn't have any joy from either.
    I've got in the routine of doing 10 minutes of stretches, press ups and 1 minute plank every morning and evening and I haven't had a flare up since. I still have the constant dull pain but that I can live with.
    A little bird told me RSO oil is better than CBD oil, plus it has the added benefit of making you feel quite nice, but I wouldn't know about that.

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    RSO oil is basically CBD oil that has not had the THC removed -this makes it illlegal in the UK

    *that said and if you are so inclined it easy enough to make using isoprop - why someone called rick simpson has decided to put his name to something that people have been doing since they realised weed would get you hammered and pain free i dont know.

  25. #25
    Master blackie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pacifichrono View Post
    I've suffered from lower back pain for over 50 years and tried almost everything. One device I've been thinking about lately is the Teeter Inversion Table.

    Anyone tried it, or something like it?

    My Uncle keeps telling me to get one of these as he swears by it

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  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by pacifichrono View Post
    I've suffered from lower back pain for over 50 years and tried almost everything. One device I've been thinking about lately is the Teeter Inversion Table.

    Anyone tried it, or something like it?

    I have one, the relief for the bulging discs in my lower back is total whilst on the machine. However I find as soon as I come off it the pain returns, so would say its success is dependent on the nature of your issue..

  27. #27
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    Thanks chaps, I used a Chiropractor for years but found it only lasted a week or so. Found a very good physio who has managed my health for the last few years.
    But I'm not an easy case more injuries than you could fit on this page.
    It would seem since Covid I have not been to the gym and my back has become weak. Also sitting working at my dinning table has not helped. A return to the gym is going to have to happen, but at a risk to my health it would seem?
    Very sore again today, just walked half a mile but struggled. I'm going to trying the lying on the floor now.
    Keep the remedies coming please!
    Last edited by wildheart; 23rd November 2020 at 15:21.

  28. #28
    Master blackie's Avatar
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    My friend recommended I get a homedics massager which I did yesterday and used it but can hardly bloody walk today as it feels like I've had a really intense deep tissue massage. Will report again in a few days to see if it makes it any better

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  29. #29
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    I'm still struggling been over three weeks now. I've finally put my golf on hold. I visit the Physio ever week, for deep manipulation. He is working on the prolapsed disc which is the problem. I'm also taking some serious pain relief to allow me to use my prosthesis. Fingers crossed I can shift this within the next few weeks?

  30. #30
    Master blackie's Avatar
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    The same as you I've been in absolute F$%King agony all last week with massive pains down my left side and my arse cheek.
    Had hardly any sleep, been tramadoled up and even the massage has had no effect.
    I've ordered an inversion table today as ill literally try anything such is the pain and aching.
    I'm looking at alsorts of stuff like acupuncture etc but don't want to throw loads at it at the same time.
    I've private health care through work as well so going to ring them to see if underlying issues are allowed.
    Ah well, back to the pills and wine for now.

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  31. #31
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    I recommend acupuncture - but i do have a bias as that is what i do for a living.
    A good chiro, osteo, physio or acupuncturist ought to be able to help. You have to do corrective exercises though otherwise it will just come back. There will be a reason it has started and knowing that is the key to long term recovery.

    taking medication of any kind is only going to alleviate the pain, not get rid of the problem. So a great short term intervention but not the answer long term.

    Keep it warm (hot water bottle or wheat bag) - cold causes muscles to contract and will only increase the pressure on the nerve.

    Sciatic nerve flossing also worth trying

    These are the exerxcises that i do on a daily basis to stop my back issues returning

  32. #32
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackie View Post
    The same as you I've been in absolute F$%King agony all last week with massive pains down my left side and my arse cheek.
    Had hardly any sleep, been tramadoled up and even the massage has had no effect.
    I've ordered an inversion table today as ill literally try anything such is the pain and aching.
    I'm looking at alsorts of stuff like acupuncture etc but don't want to throw loads at it at the same time.
    I've private health care through work as well so going to ring them to see if underlying issues are allowed.
    Ah well, back to the pills and wine for now.

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    I feel your golf for me at the moment, just can't walk after playing. My partner is going mad at me. I'm having physio twice a week on it. He has another patient who has just gone to him, he's had it 9 months!! Apparently letting it manifest its self is the worst thing we can do, as its harder to shift.
    Get up every 15 minutes to stretch. I use a massage pump which does free the cramps in my calf & hamstrings.
    I use codeine and ibuprofen and CBD Oil 40% for pain. The Cobra stretch works a bit and side to side stretching down your flanks. We will beat this but agree its bloody miserable living with it.

  33. #33
    Master blackie's Avatar
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    Last time it lasted about 2 months then I've been free about a year.
    I will get shut of it by keeping mobile and doing what I need to do just hard doing some stuff and sleeping is a nightmare

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  34. #34
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    i get it very occasionally so my sympathies are with you. Best bet for long term is gentle stretching exercises as directed by your health professional (or you tube if you want to experiment) I also found a moderate amount of core strengthening helped also.
    Short term pain relief, the most potent things I've found in the UK are boots own brand Ibuprofen and Codeine 12.5mg of codeine per pill can really help take the edge off but only short term, they also have no caffeine present which makes taking them before bed possible. I have in the past (when I had a mighty tooth abscess whilst on holiday) done alternating ibuprofen / codeine and paracetamol / codeine every 2 hours. But only for a single day while waiting for the antibiotics to kick in. I'd not recommend it though. At all.
    If pain is longer term than I'd talk to my gp about pain management properly.

  35. #35
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    When you're over the worst, i recommend Pilates, but not til you have some pain-free movement.

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  36. #36
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    And watch out for any of the red flags of Cauda Equina Syndrome

  37. #37
    Master yumma's Avatar
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    Hi mate.

    As mentioned above, nerve flossing is very good; this was a good Physio’s advice. Also get back to the Pilates as soon as you feel up to it. Good luck mate.

  38. #38

  39. #39
    Just to update my condition.

    Went to see a spinal specialist in Harley Street last week who arranged and MRI scan and acupuncture. I had the acupuncture on Friday and the pain has reduced by at least half and 75% of the time almost gone.

    Have another session of acupuncture next week so will update how that goes.

  40. #40
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    Back to a wall, roll a tennis ball around between the wall and your arse cheeks. Feel the benefit!

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  41. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by boring_sandwich View Post
    Just to update my condition.

    Went to see a spinal specialist in Harley Street last week who arranged and MRI scan and acupuncture. I had the acupuncture on Friday and the pain has reduced by at least half and 75% of the time almost gone.

    Have another session of acupuncture next week so will update how that goes.

    Great news. Don't forget to do any exercises recommended - and keep doing them once better too

  42. #42
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    Suffered from sciatica a few years back.
    it might help someone the suspected cause was my wallet in my back pocket especially whilst driving, I changed to a small front pocket card wallet and I try to do kettlebell swings most days which seems to strengthen things up.
    Touch wood I haven’t had a relapse for years now. It’s a truly awful pain my sympathies to anyone suffering

  43. #43
    Master blackie's Avatar
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    Mines still 5hite. Got a specialist ringing me today about a scan on my back

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  44. #44
    Master blackie's Avatar
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    Still crap. Now on 6 tramadol and 6 paracodene a day now
    Mentally draining coping with the constant ache. Taking the dog out for a walk does ease it but can't walk around all day.

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  45. #45
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    You have my sympathies

    Quote Originally Posted by wildheart View Post
    I've lived with a lot of pain over the years...but man sciatica is brutal. I play far to much golf (for an above knee amputee) 27 holes Friday, 18 again on Saturday but the sciatica I am getting has put me onto crutches. I work with a physio who I'm going to see later today. I've looked at exercises on u tube. and have taken far to much ibuprofen. Has anyone other tips for relieving this rotten pain please?
    I suffered with this for months and it is excruciating. I managed to get some physio through work and the guy recommended exercises with a Swiss ball. This video is a similar one but he said to cross your arms across your chest and as you get better stability do it with your eyes closed.

  46. #46
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    I have been fighting this annoyance for 8 weeks now. I’ve tried everything from Deep Heat to a Lacrosse ball. Just keeping moving is the only real advice I can give, it’s a nightmare!

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  47. #47
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    It’s an awful pain is sciatica, I had acupuncture and cupping it worked wonders for me but didn’t work for a friend of mine, suppose it’s worth a go ! To be fair I’d have tried anything to get rid of it.

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  48. #48
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    Mckenzie method worked for me : ruptured disc lower back , drugs did nothing for 6months . Physio I bumped into at the dentist’s of all places got chatting with me and told me to do Mckenzie;

    Basically the cobra yoga pose and stretching each leg as far back as I can whilst standing on the other fixes my back whenever I feel a twinge coming on.

    Hasn’t been a significant problem for me for at least 7 years now.

    Also don’t sit in crap chairs at desks for hours on end .

  49. #49
    Master TKH's Avatar
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    After 15 years of recurring issues and paying a physio £40 per session twice a week when really bad taking stupid amounts of anti inflammatory drugs I bought a really good TENS machine as my issue was spasm of the muscles surrounded Sacroiliac joint to the point of not bring able to stand up hard to explain to anyone who has not suffered...anyway TENS machine on a high level does seem to not on relieve the pain but also get the muscle in spasm to release....My physio explained the Spasm as the bodys reaction to the event ...i.e. the muscle clamps on to prevent further damage.....

    So for me TENS machine all the way..good luck fellow sufferers .....

  50. #50
    Master blackie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKH View Post
    After 15 years of recurring issues and paying a physio £40 per session twice a week when really bad taking stupid amounts of anti inflammatory drugs I bought a really good TENS machine as my issue was spasm of the muscles surrounded Sacroiliac joint to the point of not bring able to stand up hard to explain to anyone who has not suffered...anyway TENS machine on a high level does seem to not on relieve the pain but also get the muscle in spasm to release....My physio explained the Spasm as the bodys reaction to the event ...i.e. the muscle clamps on to prevent further damage.....

    So for me TENS machine all the way..good luck fellow sufferers .....
    I agree at the moment. The drugs are not working so I've bought a Beurer tens machine. Think it was 60 quid off Amazon. As well as Tens it does ems and when I get a flare up which is now about 4am after being asleep I put it on for an hour and it does ease it.
    Now booked in for an epidural on 5th Dec which i doubt will work as I had 3 a few years ago but as it stands I'd swap all my watches to get rid of this f@&*ing pain.

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